This app is designed to be a private database for the The Rock Club to use to view the current routes in their gym.
- Express
- Javascript
- JQuery
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Moment.js
Add a Climb
- Allows User to add boulder & top rope routes to database
- specifies grade, climb color, setter, and location in the gym
- allows user to clear a specific wall of climbs to add new climbs
Setters Page
- Add new setters to database
- Deactivate/reactivate Setters as they leave or rejoin team
- Veiw the number of climbs set by active setters
Current Routes
- Veiw full list of active Top Rope/Boulder Climbs
- Show the how old the oldest climb in the gym is
- Create table with the # of climbs based off grades & setters
- Displays bar graph of current Boulder Climbs
Home Page
- Gym Snapshot - Shows total # of active climbs in the gym
- Table Data - Loads bar graph with the # of Active climbs in the gym
- Latest Set - Displays last 5 climbs set
Current Routes
- Filter - Filter climb list and table by specific grade, setter, climb color, or wall
- Top Rope Chart - Display bar graph of current Top Rope climbs
- Target Total - Allow user to change the target totals of # of climbs in the gym
- Inactive Climbs - Allow user to check inactive climbs and reactivate them
For any questions, contact me at