
A program that will asks randomly generated questions based off of a script given as input.

Primary LanguageC

Script Quiz

This is a program that creates randomly generated questions based off of a movie/film script that is given as input.

Currently, there is only one type of question:

After SOMEONE says SOMETHING, what does NEXT PERSON say next?

Running the Quiz

In linux, compile the scripts_quiz.c into an executable, and then perform the following command:

./[executable file] [number of questions] [number of possible responses] [difficulty flag]

  • The minimum number of questions is 1.

  • The minimum number of responses is 2, the maximum is 15. (NOTE: If the program cannot find the number of responses specified for a question, it will show the maximum possible.)

  • A difficulty of 0 is normal, where possible answers can come from anywhere in the script.

  • A difficulty of 1 is hard, where possible answers come within 10 lines of the question.

Format of Scripts

All scripts that are inputed are expected to be of the following format:

  • All comment lines begin with "<". ">" is not required at the end of a line but is recommended for clarity.
  • A Character must begin their dialogue with their name, followed by a ":", some number of TABS or SPACES and then their dialogue
  • All subsequent lines of dialogue by character must begin with at least one TAB or SPACE

Examples can be seen in the scripts folder