
a CLI for generating passowrds from phrase & passphrase

Primary LanguageJava

I kept using the same passwords online, I always knew it was a bad idea but never did anything to fix it.

This is my attempt to never have to worry about password similarity and remembering them.

The program takes any phrase and returns a 10 character string, there are a couple of configurations and uses:

1) Use the default passphrase (change this if using) and just run the CLI in a loop, use 'exit' to finish.

bash-3.2$ pass
Enter 'exit' to exit
EnterWebSite :

2) Specify an argument to use as a custom passphrase and enter loop, use 'exit' to finish.

bash-3.2$ pass addcustompassphrase
Enter 'exit' to exit
EnterWebSite :

3) Specify an argument to use as a custom passphrase and a phrase to operate on, this does not enter a loop.

bash-3.2$ pass addcustompassphrase www.github.com

The program uses DES,strips out some unwanted char's and trims the password down to 10 chars. Using DES is obviously weaker than another custom hash as in theory, it is possible to get back to the original phrase. If someone wanted my facebook password that bad I'm sure there are easier ways.

I've compiled to a executable Jar and placed the alias 'pass' in my .bashrc to allow easier access.

alias pass="java -jar /Users/lewis/Dropbox/apps/password.jar"