
A Parallel SSH Execution Tool

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

erlyssh - A Parallel SSH Execution Tool

This is an Erlang Powered linux command line tool.You can use this tool to connect to mass of servers through SSH client simultaneously and parallel execute noninteractive shell commands on every connected server.


  1. openssh client with agent foward enabled
  2. GNU lib readline(libreadline.so,libhistory.so)
  3. Erlang 5.6/OTP R12B or later
  4. Linux or Mac OSX
  5. autoconf automake libtool required for building


run autoreconf -i to generate configure Makefile.in etc.

run ./configure

run sudo make install

or you can provide --prefix=/custom-install-path/ as ./configure option

if any buid error occurs, try to check

  1. Is libreadline's arch compatible with your erlang runtime
  2. Check include path and library path, add your custom -I -L to CFLAGS env
  3. Is your default system arch compatible with your erlang runtime, otherwise add -arch parameter to CFLAGS env


###configure server list export ESSH_LIST_HOME = /your-path-to-put-server-list-files

in ESSH_HOME_DIR put your server list files, Use the following format:

#comment: each server address(domain or ip) a line 
#as ssh command's paras`

###run shell script Start erlyssh with:

radiumce@app-88:~$ essh cometd                                             
-----------------www-11 connected-------------------                    
-----------------www-15 connected------------------- 


After 'essh>:' prompt, you can run any non-interactive commands. for exmaple:

radiumce@app-88:~$ essh cometd
-----------------www-11 connected-------------------
-----------------www-15 connected-------------------

essh>: ls

[primary server done]


Input a 'ls' command, and it will parallel executed on www-11,www-15. In erlyssh the first server on the list will be the primary server. Its output is realtime(it is useful when running some long duration commands, such as 'svn up'). when the command on www-15 is done, it will compare with the out put of www-11. when their output is identical, erlssh just print a '->>' as www-15's output.

essh>: #con 5
set concurrent execution limits = 5

Schedule parameter 'con'(limit of parallel connections, default 256) can be set by '#con number'

essh>: #intv 5
set execution interval = 5s

Schedule parameter 'intv'(execution interval, default 0) can be set by '#intv ${seconds}'

essh>: exit;
Thanks for using essh, bye.

Use command 'exit;'(ends with ';') to exit the shell.


  1. erlyssh is interactive(you can use 'cd' to change path) but it can only execute non-interactive commands.

  2. When there is mass of servers, add

    CheckHostIP no

    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    to your .ssh/config can avoid some yes/no security confirm

  3. Many shell commands have their non-interactive mode or corresponded non-interactive commands. Such as 'svn' commands have non-interactive mode and 'sed' can help you to perform plain text processing.

How Can I Contribute

Fork this project on GitHub, add your improvement, push it to a branch in your fork named for the topic, send a pull request.

You can also file bugs or feature requests under the issues page on GitHub.