Bamazon is an Amazon-like storefront using MySQL to track inventory. The Bamazon app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory.
Bamazon Customer Portal
The Bamazon Customer Portal allows users to view the current items available for purchase in table format. The user will be prompted to enter the item id# and how many items they wish to purchase. If the item is in stock, the order will be completed and the user will see the total amount of their purchase.
For screen shots of the app in action check out the images folder!
Future Additions to complete the app will include:
Manager Portal The Bamazon Manager Portal allows users to view and edit the inventory of the store.
Bamazon Executive Portal The Bamazon Executive Portal allows users to view the total profits of the store categorized by department and add new departments.
Michael Clinch
Technologies Used:
Javascript nodeJS MySQL npm packages: mysql inquirer cli-table
License Copyright 2016 Michael Clinch