WireXfers is an online payments library, written in Python, supporting various online payment protocols (IPizza, Solo/TUPAS) using a simple API, making it easily integratable with various web frameworks (Flask, ...).
WireXfers is written by Priit Laes with support from procom.ee, Povi and ScienceMosaic.
Single API for different providers
Supported protocols:
- Danske Bank
- Krediidipank
- LHV Bank
- SEB Bank
- SwedBank
- Nordea Bank
To install WireXfers, simply:
$ pip install wirexfers
Or, if you absolutely must:
$ easy_install wirexfers
But, you really shouldn't do that.
Basic usage in pseudocode:
# Create provider-specific keychain... keychain = PaymentProtocol.KeyChain(...) # ...and initialize the provider provider = PaymentProtocol(user, keychain, endpoint) # Creating the payment request payment = provider(payment_info, return_urls) # Parsing the payment response response = provider.parse_response(request.form) if response.successful: # do something else: # report failure