
Orbit determination from observations

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Orbit determination from observations

More about Find_Orb (what it does, how to use it, pre-built Windows executables) at


This project includes code for building Linux, Windows, and BSD (and possibly OS/X) versions of the interactive Find_Orb orbit determination software, the non-interactive fo software, and the fo_serve.cgi program that underlies the on-line Find_Orb service. Be warned, though, that (at least thus far) only the Linux and BSD versions (OS/X is possible, but untested) can be built with what's currently posted.

This project depends on three of my other projects :

  • jpl_eph (code to read JPL ephemerides)
  • sat_code (code for Earth-orbiting satellite ephemerides)
  • lunar (basic astronomical ephemeris/time functions)

I'd suggest getting all three of these, either by cloning them or just downloading the ZIPballs, and running make and sudo make install for each. That will copy the relevant include files and libraries to /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib. This appears to work for Linux and BSD, and may work with OS/X as well (I don't have Apple products to try it out). For BSD (and possibly OS/X), use gmake instead of make.

Obviously, I'll have to change the procedure for Windows.

Once you have those three projects built and installed, get this project and run make, and Find_Orb should be built, as well as the aforementioned fo and fo_serve.cgi. Note that at present, there is no make install for Find_Orb yet; that's on my to-do list.