e(fx)clipse samples for Wuff

Build Status Wuff Compatibility

The samples presented in this repository are built against the latest build of Wuff. Currently version 0.0.14 is supported. Initially Contacts-Griffon sample application was used as base for their creation.

The samples are created to work with Wuff IntelliJ plugin.

##Samples This sample is used to illustrate the idea of multi-module efxclipse projects with wuff. It contains two elements:

Wuff configuration is available in the build.gradle file in the root project.

If you are looking for a barebone, simple application see the wuff-skeleton sample.

Starting the samples

To run the application simply download the repository to a desired directory, and run gradlew run in it.

##Requirements JDK 1.8.0_u20 or later is required to run the samples.