
Nginx WebDav configuration for multiple clients

Nginx WebDav configuration

There is support for WebDav in Nginx via the ngx_http_dav module. It's extended by the nginx_dav_ext module to add a load of extra methods. Both of these can be used to set up a WebDav server. However, none the WebDav clients built into common operating systems seem to follow the WebDav spec exactly, which means it's still hard to get them all talking to the same WebDav server.

The config here at least allows WebDav operation from Linux (Ubuntu tested), Windows and MacOS. It also works with apps on Android and Apple IOS. This makes it rather convenient for transferring files between different people on different systems.

There's no file access permission support here at the moment, so as long as someone has access to WebDav (and Nginx has filesystem permission) then they can do anything. That makes it more suitable for private file transfers for the time being.

A lot of the configuration here has been collected from different similar configurations on the web, each working for one particular client. I couldn't find anything that works on multiple clients hence pulling this together.

Basic instructions

The files here are all just Nginx config files. They fit into the /etc/nginx directory structure used on Debian-based systems.

As well as Nginx itself the system will need the two modules mentioned above installed, as well as ngx_headers_more. On Debian systems do

apt-get install nginx-full \
                libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext \


There are instructions for different clients in connect.md.