
Simple, near drop-in solution for handling refresh-less website navigation (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple drop-in library for providing a refreshless browsing experience within a website using the history.pushState API. Transit has no dependencies, it works seemlessly with the HTML5 history API, and is only 3KB minified.

What is it for?

Transit gives you the toolset needed to provide users with a refresh-less browsing experience. Hard refreshes create a jaring user experience, but this library allows the developer to smooth it out by giving them control of the full request process.

How does it work?

Transit automatically detects inbound links and attempts to load them into the current page context via AJAX. The page context is an element which contains the changing content of your site (usually the <main> tag).

  window.pjaxer = transit({
    context: document.getElementById('main-container'),
    beforeLoad: function(url, next) {
      console.log(url + ' was requested!');
    duringLoad: function(event) {
      console.log(event.progress + '%..');
    afterLoad: function(link, newContent, next) {
      console.log(link + ' loaded.');
    beforeAppend: function(newContent, oldContent, next) {
      console.log('New content is about to replace the old content.');
    afterAppend: function(newContent, next) {
      console.log('New content appended!);
    done: function(url) {
      console.log('Title and web address have been updated.');