
A simple HAPI FHIR server based on the hapi-fhir-jpaserver-example with additions to support CRD and DTR

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This sub-project hosts a HAPI FHIR server that is based on the now-deprecated hapi-fhir-jpaserver-example. The new repo is found here.

The server this repository runs is a standard FHIR server that saves and provides FHIR resources for clients. Almost every step of the REMS workflow involves the EHR, it communicates with the Request Generator, REMS Admin, REMS SMART on FHIR app, and Pharmacy System.

Any compliant FHIR server can replace this server in the workflow. This EHR server is provided as a convenience. All apps in the REMS workflow are programmed to function with any FHIR server, but are programmed to work with this one by default.


  1. Install Java version 11 or higher.
  2. Install gradle version 6.9 or higher.
  3. Run gradle bootRun
  4. In a separate terminal tab, run gradle loadData to load resources.

This will start the server running on http://localhost:8080/test-ehr.

If you've loaded resources before, and want a clean slate, delete the target and build folders from test-ehr if they exist.

Using OAuth security features

The FHIR server is open by default, but this can be changed in the application.yml file.

First, change the use_oauth flag to true to turn on security. Then set the client_id, client_secret, and oauth_token fields.

If using Keycloak and following the REMS Admin guide, the client_id and oauth_token fields can be left as default. The client_secret can be found with the following steps:

  1. Open the Keycloak admin console (http://localhost:8180/auth) and log in
  2. Open the ClientFhirServer, then the clients tab, and click app-token.
  3. Click on the Credentials tab, use the regenerate secret option if needed.
  4. Copy the client secret into the application.yml file under client_secret


The EHR mainly serves resources to clients and handles authorization requests. Generally, the other apps in the REMS workflow interact with the EHR automatically. To add resources to the EHR, place the resource files in the fhirResourceToLoad directory and then run gradle loadData while the server is currently running.

A new resource can also be created manually by making a POST to a resource endpoint, for example:

curl -d '{"resourceType":"Patient", "id":"example"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/test-ehr/r4/Patient


The EHR server SMART on FHIR compliant. This means that SMART apps like the Request Generator and REMS SMART on FHIR app can authenticate automatically against the FHIR server.

All authorization requests are proxied to an authorization server. Any OAuth2.0 compliant authorization server can be connected to the EHR by changing the auth_base property in the application.yml file.

This server provides a /_services/smart/Launch endpoint for session creation. A client POSTs a payload consisting of a launchUrl, redirectUri, and parameters, and receives a launchId.

The launchId is a unique ID which lets the SMART app maintain its state through the authorization process. This is not a standard process. Apps like the Request Generator, which are within the EHR ecosystem but not directly connected, might make use of this endpoint to create SMART sessions and launch SMART apps.

Server endpoints

Relative URL Endpoint Description
/test-ehr/ Base server endpoint
/test-ehr/r4 EHR FHIR Server endpoint (will not resolve in browser)
/test-ehr/script/rxfill NCPDP SCRIPT endpoint that RxFill messages from the pharmacy can be sent to (will not resolve in browser)
/_services/smart/Launch SMART on FHIR endpoint which produces a launch ID for SMART apps to use when launching