A library for converting Google Analytics Core Reporting API V3 request to Analytics Reporting API V4 requests.
$ pip install --upgrade gav4
There are two methods of using the gav4 library. You can apply
the library to an authorized Google Analytics Service object, which exposes a get method that operates much like the current Core Reporting API V3.
import gav4
# Apply the gav4 get method to the authorized service object.
# Call the gav4_get method with a V3 request and get a V3 response.
v3_response = analytics.gav4_get(v3_request).execute()
Alternatively you can convert the requests and responses directly.
# Convert a V3 request into a V4 request.
v4_request = gav4.convert_request(v3_request)
# Call the V4 API.
v4_response = analytics.reports().batchGet(body=v4_request).execute()
# Convert the V4 API response into a V3 response.
v3_response = gav4.convert_report(v4_response.get('reports', [])[0])
Run the tests with the following command:
python setup.py tests
This may require you to install the nose library -- pip install nose
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