SOC2 Server Audit

Main Idea

This software can help with a SOC 2 Type 2 server audit on an ongoing basis.

These are the main tenants:

  1. Automated server health checks and differencing.
  2. Create an automated way to reach out to any number of servers and gather a huge amount of data.
  3. Parse the data, sift the data and report the important things!

This software will reachout to a provided list of servers and do the following:

  1. Install Lynis
  2. Install AIDE
  3. Run Lynis and AIDE
  4. Retrieve the results and save them locally
  5. Parse the outputs and impor them into a PostgreSQL database
  6. Run reports from the database and email them to destinations of your chosing


We assume you have a basic understanding of Linux machines. SSH connections and key pairing. Ansible will require that the machine you run this upon has key authentication with each of the servers that it's connecting.


The server that this runs on will need at a minimum:

  • Ansible
  • Perl modules
    • DBD::Pg
    • Encode
    • utf8
    • Data::Dumper
    • File::Copy
  • SSH keys setup to each destination server

You can use the included ansible setup script to automate the installation of the perl modules

$ sudo ansible-playbook setup_playbook.yml

Getting started

  • Decide on a place to have the software run
  • Clone this project
  • Copy the example files to real files for editing
  • Install PostgreSQL somewhere (same machine is fine)
  • Edit these files:
    • conf.soc2
    • hosts
    • run_soc2
    • ansible_vars.yml
    • dockerguests (optional)
    • aide/conf.aide (optional)

NOTE: Each file is detailed below

Copy the example files

cd /path/to/repo
cp run_soc2.example run_soc2
cp conf.soc2.example conf.soc2
cp ansible_vars.yml.example ansible_vars.yml
cp dockerguests.example dockerguests
cp hosts.example hosts
cp aide/conf.aide.example aide/conf.aide


$ psql -d template1 -U postgres 
template1=# CREATE USER soc2 WITH PASSWORD 'dbpassword'; 
template1=# CREATE DATABASE soc2;
template1=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE soc2 to soc2;
# verify listen_address='*' in postgresql.conf
# add this to pg_hba.conf:
#   host    all             all                           md5
# Restart postgres if you changed any of postgres's configs

NOTE: If you use a different databaes name, you will need to edit references in

EDIT FILE conf.soc2

This is the main config file.

  • PostgreSQL database connections.
  • Log output path.
  • Paths to lynis and aide outputs.
  • Email options.

EDIT FILE ansible_vars.yml

Be sure and supply the linux username that each of the servers has configured with the key pair

remote_user: linux_sudo_user

You need only edit the path to where you want the outputs to go:

lynis_report_local_destination: /path/to/lynis
aide_report_local_destination: "/path/to/aide"

NOTE: These paths need to match the paths from conf.soc2

EDIT FILE hosts / dockerguests (optional)

These are ansible files. Follow the examples in these files. Ansible has a weird issue when running the same job on the same machine with two different ssh ports. You have to break out any docker guests you might have into a seperate file when they are inside of another machine with the same connection name but on a different port obviously.

EDIT FILE aide/conf.aide (optional)

This is an AIDE specific file. This allows you to customize the files that AIDE is allowed to report on. This is where you would teach it to ignore stuff that changes all the time and you don't want to hear about everytime! This file is seeded with sane defaults.

EDIT FILE run_soc2

This is the shell wrapper script for running the whole thing.

NOTE: These lines in particular



cd /path/to/here/soc2_server_audit/lynis

cd /path/to/here/soc2_server_audit/aide


rm -Rf "$lynis_reports_path"/*
rm -Rf "$aide_reports_path"/*

cd /path/to/here/soc2_server_audit/lynis
ansible-playbook lynis_fetch_report_playbook.yml -i ../hosts  -v
ansible-playbook lynis_fetch_report_playbook.yml -i ../dockerguests  -v

cd /path/to/here/soc2_server_audit/aide
ansible-playbook aide_fetch_report_playbook.yml -i ../hosts  -v
ansible-playbook aide_fetch_report_playbook.yml -i ../dockerguests  -v

cd ../
./ --config conf.soc2

There are many options you can pass to the perl script. The default is --config. Lifted from the script:

--config configfilename                       [Path to the config file - required]             
--debug flag                                  [Cause more logging output]
--reset flag                                  [Empty out the schema table]
--reportonly flag                             [Skip everything and only run a report - Reports are always run at the end]
--job integer                                 [Usually used in conjunction with reportonly. It will spit out the report for that job. Last job is default]

NOTE: --reset will delete all data