Fast promise utilities
npm i fastp
Limit the number of promises resolved concurrently. Offers the same API of p-limit
import p from 'fastp'
import { settimeout as sleep } from 'node:timers/promises'
const limit = p.limit(2);
const result1 = await Promise.all([
limit(() => sleep(300, 'foo')),
limit(() => sleep(200, 'bar')),
limit(() => sleep(100, 'baz'))
// [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
const result2 = await Promise.race([
limit(() => sleep(300, 'foo')),
limit(() => sleep(200, 'bar')),
limit(() => sleep(100, 'baz'))
// 'bar'
It's over 3x faster than p-limit
║ Slower tests │ Samples │ Result │ Tolerance ║
║ pLimit │ 10000 │ 24994.77 op/sec │ ± 3.08 % ║
║ Fastest test │ Samples │ Result │ Tolerance ║
║ fastp.limit │ 10000 │ 91958.28 op/sec │ ± 5.76 % ║