- 1
- 1
state parameter in getRecordings should also accept values as an Array (in the same way meetingID and recordID)
#26 opened by jfederico - 1
Release new version
#46 opened by danimo - 1
- 1
Follow redirects when making API requests
#23 opened by daronco - 0
Disable Public Chat doesn't work
#45 opened by h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C - 1
Version 2.0
#39 opened by mcfilib - 0
uninitialized constant ModelName::BigBlueButton
#32 opened by afuno - 0
recordID in getRecordings should accept Array as a parameter (same as meetingID)
#25 opened by jfederico - 0
- 0
- 0
Make it work with HTTPS
#22 opened by mconf-daileon - 1
Automatically set the version number
#20 opened by mconf-daileon - 4
Recordings dates with incorrect time zones
#2 opened by pavel-manylov - 1
Test using rspec
#12 opened by mconf-daileon - 0
Fix setConfigXML according to the new docs
#19 opened by mconf-daileon - 1
Add support for BigBlueButton 0.9
#18 opened by mconf-daileon - 3
Add support for BigBlueButton 0.81
#17 opened by mconf-daileon - 0
Dynamic config.xml
#16 opened by mconf-daileon - 0
- 2
bbb-api-ruby fails to create room
#1 opened by niedakh - 3
- 2
Couldn't access gem's classes
#3 opened by abhiramm - 2
- 1
login/logout times of user
#7 opened by nekapoor - 2
uploading multiple presentations?
#8 opened by nekapoor - 1
Support to BBB 0.8
#14 opened by mconf-daileon - 1
Integration tests
#13 opened by mconf-daileon