
codecademy javascript practice

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • Abstraction allows us to write complicated code in a way that's easy to reuse, debug, and understand for human readers

  • We can work with functions the same way we would any other type of data including reassigning them to new variables

  • JavaScript functions are first-class objects, so they have properties and methods like any object

  • Functions can be passed into other functions as parameters

  • A higher-order function is a function that either accepts functions as parameters, returns a function, or both



  • .forEach() is used to execute the same code on every element in an array but does not change the array and returns undefined.

  • .map() executes the same code on every element in an array and returns a new array with the updated elements.

  • .filter() checks every element in an array to see if it meets certain criteria and returns a new array with the elements that return truthy for the criteria.

  • .findIndex() returns the index of the first element of an array which satisfies a condition in the callback function. It returns -1 if none of the elements in the array satisfies the condition.

  • .reduce() iterates through an array and takes the values of the elements and returns a single value.

  • All iterator methods takes a callback function that can be pre-defined, or a function expression, or an arrow function.



  • Objects store collections of key-value pairs.

  • Each key-value pair is a property—when a property is a function it is known as a method.

  • An object literal is composed of comma-separated key-value pairs surrounded by curly braces.

  • You can access, add or edit a property within an object by using dot notation or bracket notation.

  • We can add methods to our object literals using key value syntax with anonymous function expressions as values, or by using the new ES6 method syntax.

  • We can navigate complex, nested objects by chaining operators.

  • Objects are mutable—we can change their properties even when they're declared with const.

  • Objects are passed by reference— when we make changes to an object passed into a function, those changes are permanent.

  • We can iterate through objects using the For...in syntax.



  • The object that a method belongs to is called the calling object.

  • The this keyword refers the calling object and can be used to access properties of the calling object.

  • Methods do not automatically have access to other internal properties of the calling object.

  • The value of this depends on where the this is being accessed from.

  • We cannot use arrow functions as methods if we want to access other internal properties.

  • JavaScript objects do not have built-in privacy, rather there are conventions to follow to notify other developers about the intent of the code.

  • The usage of an underscore before a property name means that the original developer did not intend for that property to be directly changed.

  • Setters and getter methods allow for more detailed ways of accessing and assigning properties.

  • Factory functions allow us to create object instances quickly and repeatedly.

  • There are different ways to use object de-structuring: one way is the property value shorthand and another is de-structured assignment.



  • Classes are templates for objects.

  • Javascript calls a constructor method when we create a new instance of a class.

  • Inheritance is when we create a parent class with properties and methods that we can extend to child classes.

  • We use the extends keyword to create a subclass.

  • The super keyword calls the constructor() of a parent class.

  • Static methods are called on the class, but not on instances of the class.