
Creating test container images of different sizes to simulate customer' workload

Primary LanguagePython


Creating test container images of different sizes to simulate customer' workload

There is a need for 100 unique images of different sizes:

Number of images rough size
25 100-150 MB
25 200-250 MB
10 250-300 MB
4 400 MB
4 500 MB
5 600 MB
2 800 MB

The containers must be able to answer HTTP GET with 200 OK. There is a range of 5 TCP ports the container must bind to.


python main.py <registry fqdn>

for example

python main.py dhcp-55-222.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com:5000

The containers naming scheme: spam_<size>_<port> For example spam_150_8002 means that container size is about 150 mb and HTTP server binds to port 8002

The registry assumes username dummy and password dummy in this version


  1. Run the container of the required size and port, for example:
podman run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 dhcp-55-222.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com:5000/spam_250_5_8000:latest
  1. In another terminal, send:
  $ curl -I -X GET  dhcp-55-222.lab.eng.tlv2.redhat.com:8000


  HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.9.6
  Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2021 13:21:24 GMT
  Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
  Content-Length: 340

Benchmarking the influence of logging

Test images can also create logs of the specified length with a specified frequency. To turn on the logging, two environment variables must be set in the pod specification, MESSAGE_LEN and LOG_PERIOD_SEC:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: log-injector
  - image: quay.io/vgrinber/logging:latest
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: log-injector-container
    resources: {}
    - name: MESSAGE_LEN
      value: "100"
    - name: LOG_PERIOD_SEC
      value: "1/5"
    - name: POD_NAME
          fieldPath: metadata.name      

MESSAGE_LEN - number of random characters added to each log message after the pod name and the date LOG_PERIOD_SEC - how much time (in seconds) we sleep before printing the next log message. It can be fractional as in the example (e.g. "1/8" or "0.125" should be fine)

When deployed, it will produce logs like that:

oc logs pod/log-injector -f
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:35 UTC 2021 LsmA6K8jN3mg5weQf0uZpZEn127Bqb0hYQ0tMPto0E4f7lYKELEvcg8py6UYWGDOxYq5rmkC7Y4Z5yQtJp8h0IiGlumcHVW8UJ3A
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:35 UTC 2021 sSp4P7e3rqxgTieD2OACCFCvgmVmS0yzFJMsgg0DTcwQrEee1dAtMUd9ss8DkFslvLtlISTgUQ6GdquL2npz7c4DzqSe7TYMd8ah
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:35 UTC 2021 LdAteyqrR5XBXbwrKxYiiPMAmlin8dHShCtZLJaP5DqU8Kaotg3s8spVmnpt5vEQOBfSkZ40ygFKHHbRQVY2Z622AgEMGcMW0ule
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:35 UTC 2021 oNv572cMqfyHLmQjOuv6h2GiwidzFHPHKM4JfX3f06ifgvroULT6ruKeqQdz3WZgj8ZqyfxWglmFSLhc0cP9x5v2jh74Eka4Tzct
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:36 UTC 2021 Wol1kllESDPXUcNfsfqVoLKbGmUd1buaEDEePkxGBr4lQPjzIQpROaPZZkiCjScC2VRUl7BLJ4ghkT4Y0qEC0tnUMyuY23YkL1Yd
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:36 UTC 2021 9AwM7x83WyDlBgBPotqesfH4iv1v5BI68asqrVSkrsedcea9e26qh1msiV7aBnGHFStcnYSo4G6wAYBOGXvaANXsdJYAH3E4d6g3
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:36 UTC 2021 oPz8bjYAPsPuc1VgzGdms2mFkJBDL6aZOpyhxn7C6ASySY6zHono9BWdEaa922nSiAMPoX4b2cqkc8NdcyqaEWeThieT34sj92CV
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:36 UTC 2021 2sDshIALy9wcRfdDaWJozv7wlX7EUZzQ0fkSMBoaH122w2he1QGcWXUYB1HiWAnaWy4R7eAhWod0sjKN0rxWNQf8vS0C4ohAOypq
log-injector: Wed Oct  6 20:09:36 UTC 2021 Nk8UcsXr5Hg0agha8LUF8n5X67zkmxbw8CGpUZZEi3nnWqbwhjgCIQ3lOfDQbW6iQNSIs346KIf0Bw9gNi4MU1fHabxLtXM8kUnv