
Battle For Tronia Server

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Setup Environment

First: You need to fetch and place FullNode.jar and SolidityNode.jar in the corresponding folders

cp FullNode.jar ./deploy/full/
cp SolidityNode.jar ./deploy/solidity/

Run Nodes

Just do

$ yarn node:start --reset

This will:

  • Clean up previous node database (because of the --reset flag)
  • Start Full Node
  • Start Solidity Node
  • Create Tokens & Test accounts. Leave information in deploy/accounts.json & deploy/tokens.json (because of the --reset flag)
  • do a tail -f for solidity and full node logs, and output to stdout

You can kill the node (Ctrl-C), and run it again. You can ommit the --reset flag, and it will only run the nodes. The previous state (tokens & accounts) will still be there.

After each time you do a reset, is recommend to deploy development contracts to it. To do this, run:

yarn dev:setup

Work on contracts

To work on contracts we are using remixIDE (http://remix.ethereum.org)

You need to setup remixd for remix to work with your local files.


  1. Install remixd npm install -g remixd
  2. Run remixd to share contracts folder:
remixd -s `realpath sol-contract/contracts/`
  1. On remixIDE follow connect instructions (https://remix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_remixd_filesystem.html)

After you compile and check the contracts you need to manually update bytecode and abi in solidity-out folder.

To do so, select the contract on remixIDE and press details. There you will find the ABI and the bytecode

Setup Postgresql


sudo su - createuser -s -W -P battlefortronia             # Don't needed in Mac
createuser -s -W -P battlefortronia     # (enter battlefortronia as password)
createdb -O battlefortronia battlefortronia_dev  # dev database
createdb -O battlefortronia battlefortronia_test # test database
logout                         # Don't needed in Mac

Every time you want to reset the schema, run:

./bin/resetdb.sh test               # recreates battlefortronia_test
./bin/resetdb.sh dev                # recreates battlefortronia_dev

Run API Server

Make sure you have the tron nodes running, and that you've already did dev:setup (yarn dev:setup).

Then run:

yarn web:start

and you can connect to http://localhost:8000, for example:

curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/tokens