
Scripts for Linode VPS unattended KISS Linux installation

Primary LanguageShell

# Kinode

Scripts for Linode VPS unattended KISS Linux installation

## Prerequisites

The following Linode VPS settings are recommended:

		1 CPU Core
		50 GB Storage
		2 GB RAM
		0 Volumes
			Label: boot
			Type: raw
			Size: 25600 MB (or larger)
			Label: boot
			Virtual Machine:
				VM Mode: Paravirtualization
			Boot Settings:
				Select a Kernel: GRUB 2
				Run Level: Run Default Level
				Memory Limit: Do not set any limits on memory usage
			Block Device Assignment:
				/dev/sda: boot
				/dev/sdb: None
				Root Device: /dev/sda
			Filesystem/Boot Helpers:
				Enable distro helper: off
				Disable updatedb: off
				Enable modules.dep helper: off
				Auto-mount devtmpfs: off
				Auto-configure networking: off

## Usage

Boot into Rescue Mode and run the following commands:

	$ git clone https://github.com/mcpcpc/kinode
	$ cd kinode
	$ ./install.sh

## References:

* https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB#Master_Boot_Record_(MBR)_specific_instructions
* https://www.linode.com/community/questions/10285/kvm-and-booting-direct-from-disk
* https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/custom-compiled-kernel-debian-ubuntu/
* https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-fdisk/