Marmoset is an automated testing and marking environment used by some Waterloo
CS classes.  This is a Perl script to automate submission to it via the command
line, including doing the CAS authentication.  It is fairly specific to
Waterloo's instance of Marmoset.

  perl Makefile.PL
  make install

Alternatively, just copy script/marmosetsubmit into your PATH and manually
install the required perl modules:
  WWW::Mechanize, IO::Prompt, LWP::Protocol::https, Mozilla::CA

Usage is simple:
  marmosetsubmit CS444 A1

There is an optional --username (-u) argument to set your username which
defaults to your system username.
  marmosetsubmit -u mimcpher CS444 A1

Your password will be prompted for interactively.

Tested and working on both Linux and OS X.  If it does not work for you, please
save the HTML pages of your Marmoset session and attach them to a bug report.
Notably, I haven't tested if you're enrolled in more than one class.