Bindings for ncurses (libncurses 5)
updated and tested on rustc 0.6 (9143688 2013-02-14 14:44:12 -0800) host: i686-unknown-linux-gnu
============================================================================= These aren't ready yet, they need work, pull requests welcome :)
Warning: The source contained herein probably isn't up to snuff with current rust idioms. I'm holding off implementing this until rust .99 or 1.0 .
$ make test
fn hello2() { let win = NewWindow(); unsafe { win.attrset(A_BOLD); win.addstr(1, 1, ~"你好 Hello"); for int::range(2i, 9i) |n|{ attrset(REVERSE); win.addstr(n as int, (n as int)*2, ~" World !!!"); ncurses::refresh();/* paint to the display */ } ncurses::getch();/* Wait for user input */ curses::endwin();/* End curses mode */ } }