
This is a set of scripts that can be used to build a LAMP instance "in a can" - use it for testing web apps that use MySQL/Apache/PHP5

Primary LanguageShell


[dl]: git://github.com/mcr/can-o-mysql.git 


Can-o-MYSQL is a small set of scripts that configures a LAMP system
in the current directly.

I really dislike web projects that tell me to go reconfigure the running
MySQL daemon (and then give me no examples), and assume that I want to run
everything, even during testing, as a system process.

What I want is to turn web "applications" into normal source trees.
This means that they run without root, they run in the current directory,
and they do not require reconfiguring system daemons.

MySQL will run with a custom Unix domain port, and Apache will run
unpriviledged on a custom port, it's just a question of plugging it all

  [fixup]: etc/fixup.sh

To start with this, create a new empty project.  I suggest that you
fork my can-o-mysql project on github, and then check it out.  

Then setup your "public" directory to point to the root of your HTML/PHP
code.  For existing projects there are several ways you could do this:

1) a straight symlink pointing to another directory.
2) copy the code to public
3) git submodule add, to get your data there
4) start new project in this format.

If you go the (3) route, you should, after you create the .gitsubmodule
and tests, and other directories you need for your testing skaffold,
then create a new project for your foo project, "foo-skaffold".  Updates
from can-o-mysql can be applied with a git merge or git rebase.

New Projects

On a new project, I suggest that you organize things the way that Rails does.
Your code does not go into public, only your visible .html and .phtml files
do.  All of your classes and the like go into the top-level php directory.

If you need mocks or other code just for tests, then put them into test/php,
which is on the php include path prior to php.