Hello there, I'm Maicol 👋

"A passionate Software Developer from Peruvian"

👨🏻‍💻  About me

🤓  I am a fullstack javascript and python backend developer with more than 3 years of experience.
💻  I really enjoy applying good programming practices, taking into account different design patterns and modularization for low coupling, thus having a highly scalable architecture.
💡  I enjoy exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
✍️  In my spare time, I dedicate my time to web and mobile application development.
💬  Feel free to contact me for consulting and pro bono volunteer work, or just to have an interesting discussion.
✉️  You can email me at maicolcrodrigoa@gmail.com. I will try to respond as soon as I can.
📄  Please take a look at my Curriculum Vitae for more details about me. I am open to comments and suggestions.

🛠  Stack

JavaScript  React  Vue Nuxtjs Vuetify TailwindCSS Ant-Design Bootstrap Quasar SASS HTML  CSS 

Node.js  Express.js NestJS Apollo-GraphQL GraphQL TypeScript Prisma Sequelize ESLint

NPM Yarn Socket.io

Python  Django  Flask  FastAPI

MariaDB MySQL Postgres SQLite MongoDB

Redis RabbitMQ AmazonDynamoDB

Docker DigitalOcean Google Cloud AWS Cloudflare

Git  GitHub  GitHub Actions GitLab GitLab CI

CMake Swagger Nginx

Linux Shell Script

⚙️  Secondary skills

Java  Go Markdown Jenkins

⚙️  Others

Visual Studio Code  Slack Discord Microsoft

⚙️  Finance

PayPal Binance Bitcoin Tether

🤝🏻  Connect with me