
A key/value store with JSON serialization

Primary LanguageDGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0



kvstore is key/value store based on std.json.

The basic structure was inspired by the DUB package dddb (see DUB package repository and GitHub project).

Data is hold in memory and can be serialized to disk as JSON. As there is no memory management, i.e. caching, paging, etc., it can not be considered a database. Therefore the size of data sets kvstore can handle is limited to the memory available.

Keys and values both must be of type string. wstring, dstring, their respective plain char[] equivalents, as well as C strings, are not supported. However, an array of values can still be stored with a single key.

Data is serialized in JSON format. When deserializing a store from disk the file is read in chunks of 4096 bytes. As the serialized data in JSON format does not contain any newline symbols the store file only consists of a single line. Reading such file line-wise would not be the best idea.

In addition to the standard get, set, remove, clear operations there are a couple more interesting operations. Among those are closest and swap.


closest computes that key in the store being most similar to the one passed to the function. This may be useful if keys are string representation of dates, like UNIX timestamps or dates in the form yymmdd, for instance. As a JSON object is basically a map, kvstore itself can be used as a map data structure. If the key for a value is computed (dynamically) the results of such computation may be inaccurate. Keys are compared using a (private) function of this library implementing the Levenshtein distance.

If the key already exists in the store, that key itself is returned. If the passed key is null or empty, or if the store is empty, null is returned. If there is only one key in the store then that key is returned independent of its distance to the passed key.

If several keys with the same Levenshtein distance are found their respective length is considered and the one with the length closest to the passed key is returned. If all of the equal-distant keys are of the same length, as well, their ASCII character code distance of the first differing character is considered, additionally.

Computing the Levenshtein distance between two keys has a time complexity of O(m * n) with m being the length of the first key, and n being the length of the second key. The distance to the passed key is computed for every key in the store. The array of keys will be sorted in advance to save some operations using the default Phobos sorting algorithm which performs in O(k * log(k)) with k being the number of keys. This makes the closest function as costly as O((k * (m * n)) + (k * log(k))) which is approximately O(k * a^2) on average, with k being the number of keys in the store and a being the average key length. This is actually an oversimplification but may give a hint on the runtime performance of the operation.


The swap operation swaps a key with its value, thus making the former value the new key of that entry, and the former key the value for the new key. The operation can also be performed on the whole store. The swap operation is only permitted if for all keys the maximum number of values (their depth) is 1.

If the whole store is to be swapped true is returned only if the swap operation succeeds for all entries in the store. It is possible to enforce uniqueness. When trying to swap the key and value of an entry the new entry is only inserted into the store if no such key had been present before. If uniqueness is required and a key already exists the operation fails. Otherwise the new value is appended to the present key.

Note that not only all values (becoming the new keys) need to be unique for this requirement, but no key must being equal to any of the values in the store, because swapping is currently done in-place. Also keep the following situation in mind. Having entries { key1: key2 } and { key2: value2 }, with unique = false, these steps would be performed:

  1. When key1 is swapped it is appended to the value of key2: { key2: [value2, key1] }
  2. key2 is still left to be swapped but now has a depth of 2 which is not allowed.

CAUTION: If only one of the swap operations for a single entry fails the whole operation is aborted and the store remains in an inconsistent state. The original state cannot be recovered in that case. (This may change in the future.)

There are several possibilities to implement the ability for the store to roll back to a consistent state. For instance:

  • Insert the swapped entries into a new store instance and replace the old store if there was no error. (This would require twice the space in RAM.)
  • Check the uniqueness of the union of values and keys before any swapping is done. (Since this is a costly operation it would decrease the overall speed of the swap operation significantly.)
  • Save the current store to disk (or create a backup), perform the operation, and reload the original store from disk (or restore the backup) if the swapping fails. (This would also decrease the speed of the operation, because of the additional hard drive accesses and the parsing of the serialized JSON data.)

Makefile targets

This project's lifecycle is managed using GNU make, rather than dub. The Makefile provides the following targets: build, lint, test, install, uninstall. Of course, clean and pack targets are also present.


  • The build target produces a dynamic library libkvstore.so.
  • The code is compiled for a 64-bit architecture using the Digital Mars compiler dmd. architecture.
  • DDoc documentation in HTML format is generated on the fly by dmd.
  • This library is optimized for speed and all symbols are stripped from the library using the command strip.
  • A header file (D interface file) is also generated.


  • The lint target runs the dscanner tool against the source file kvstore.d.
  • If there are no style warnings, nothing is printed and dscanner exits successfully with exit code 0. Hence, the Makefile target succeeds and make exits with code 0, as well.


  • The test target does not produce any executable, but compiles the library in debug mode and immediately runs the contained unit tests.
  • Additionally, a code coverage analysis is done and a report kvstore.lst is generated. The source code coverage for the unit tests (in percent) is printed afterwards.


  • The install target copies the generated library to /usr/lib.
  • In addition a symbolic link to the library is created in the same directory containing the current version of the library.
  • This target can safely be executed several times.


  • The uninstall target reverts the step done by the install target.
  • All files created by the install target are removed from /usr/lib.


  • The clean target removes all files generated by build and test.


  • The pack target bundles the files of this repository in an .txz-archive.

Build, Test, Installation

So building the optimized and stripped library libkvstore.so (along with its HTML documentation) is as simple as:

$ make

$ make build, $ make kvstore, and $ make all can be run equivalently.

To run the provided unit tests and perform a source code coverage analysis, the following command can be executed:

$ make test

Installing the library on a Linux system is done by running:

$ make install


Copyright © 2020-2021 Daniel Haase

kvstore is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.

License disclaimer

kvstore - JSON key/value store
Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Daniel Haase

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program.
If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt>.
