
A job search django app in tandem with end of week 2 for the repo 'flexing-pythonistas', 4 week python sprint.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flexible jobs

"Make work fit your life"


    A job search django web-app in tandem with end of
    week 2 for the repo 'flexing-pythonistas', 4
    week python sprint.

💡 Ideated by Ellis Pax

Proposed Functions

chatbot: response

    🤖 : "Creating an online job portal/application
    similar to Indeed or JobStreet is an ambitious
    project. Here's an outline of the key features
    and components you can consider implementing
    using Django:"

📌 User Authentication and Profiles:

  • Implement user registration and login functionality for both job seekers and employers.
  • Allow job seekers to create and manage their profiles with information such as education, professional qualifications, skills, work experience, etc.
  • Enable employers to create and manage their company profiles with details like company name, location, industry, and description.

📌 Job Listings:

  • Allow employers to post job listings with information such as job title, description, requirements, location, salary range, and application deadline.
  • Implement a search and filter functionality for job seekers to find relevant job listings based on criteria like keywords, location, industry, etc.
  • Display job listings with pagination and sorting options for ease of navigation.

📌 Application Process:

  • Provide a mechanism for job seekers to apply for jobs directly through the portal by submitting their resumes and cover letters.
  • Send email notifications to employers when a job seeker applies for their posted job.
  • Enable employers to view and manage the applications they receive, including shortlisting and contacting applicants.

📌 Job Alerts and Notifications:

  • Implement a feature for job seekers to set up job alerts based on their preferences, so they receive notifications when new jobs matching their criteria are posted.
  • Send email notifications to job seekers about new job opportunities and updates related to their applications.

📌 User Interaction and Communication:

  • Allow employers and job seekers to communicate within the platform, such as through a messaging system or direct contact details (email, phone) shared by the employer.
  • Enable employers to save and manage their favorite job seeker profiles for future reference.

📌 Admin Panel:

  • Create an admin panel for the site administrator to manage user accounts, job listings, and other relevant data.
  • Implement moderation features to review and approve job listings before they are published on the platform.

📌 Responsive Design and User Experience:

  • Ensure the application is responsive and optimized for various devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Remember to :
    • thoroughly plan and design the database schema, considering the relationships between entities such as users, job listings, and applications.
    • Additionally, prioritize security measures to protect user data and implement features like CSRF protection and user permissions.

    🤖: "These are the core features of an online job
    portal/application. You can expand on these
    ideas and customize them to fit your specific
    requirements and preferences."


  1. Fork or Clone this repository.
  2. the code is in the /web folder.
  3. install the required pip packages, notably
    1. django
    2. sqlite
  4. in the /web folder run the django server with python manage.py runserver

Usage ✨

Clone the repo locally and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt