
Code for a "bare bones" shiny app for the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI)

Primary LanguageR

Showing distributions and uncertainty in R and Shiny

Code for a "bare bones" shiny app for the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI). This talk is intended to give you a sampling of code and tools for communicating risk and uncertainty to a broad audience. I will focus primarily on communication with stakeholders, but these tools should be broadly applicable.


To follow along and run the app on your own machine, install the following packages:

                   "ggplot2",        #for plotting
                   "ghibli",         #for plotting
                   "palmerpenguins", #for plotting
                   "hrbrthemes"))    #for plotting

remotes::install_github("ricardo-bion/ggradar") # for plotting

Other Shiny resources

More code

If you want to explore more learning materials and exercises, check out my general shiny overview repo collection of simple exercises.

This repo also contains example code for:

  • using learnr to make interactive tutorials
  • putting live translation into your Shiny app using Appsilon's shiny.i18n package

Reference materials:

Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham for foundational learning

Engineering Production-Grade Shiny apps from Colin Fay et al.

RStudio's Shiny tutorials