
Redox Energy Prediction

Primary LanguagePython


RedPred: Redox Energy Prediction Tool for Redox Flow Battery Molecules

About RedPred Project:

  • RedPred is an redox energy prediction model for redox flow battery molecules that consists ensemble of 3 ML algorithms (Graph Conv Neural Nets, Deep Neural Nets, and Random Forest).

  • The model takes the SMILES notations of reactant molecules of the redox reaction as an input and predicts the redox reaction energy (Hartree).

  • RedPred is trained on RedDB [1] publicly available redox flow battery candidate molecules dataset.

  • The performance of the RedPred is 0.0036 and 0.0043 Hartree MAE on the test-1 and test-2 sets, respectively.

  • If you are using the predictions from RedPred on your work, please cite these papers: [1, 2]

    • [1] Sorkun, Elif, et al. (2021). RedDB, a computational database of electroactive molecules for aqueous redox flow batteries.

    • [2] In preparation (will be updated soon)

Workflow - IMAGE :

Project Files:

Data: Contains the row and processed data files

Preprocess: Contains data preprocessing including removing missing values and test/train splitting (requires different dependencies, to reproduce it please check the requirements on the folder)

Ensemble: Contains ensembling process of the selected 3 models.

Models: Contains final code file of 5 models that we used for RedPred project and ECFC encoder file.


  • python=3.7.9 (requires "conda install python=3.7.9")
  • rdkit=2020.09.1.0 (requires "conda install -c conda-forge rdkit=2020.09.1")
  • scikit-learn=0.22.1
  • deepchem==2.4.0
  • numpy==1.18.5
  • pandas==1.1.3
  • tensorflow==2.3.2
  • keras==2.4.3
  • lightgbm==2.3.1
  • xgboost==1.4.2
  • h5py==2.10.0

Web application:

You can use the RedPred web application by following this link.

Report an Issue:

You are welcome to report a bug or contribuite to the RedPred project by filing an issue.




  • Murat Cihan Sorkun :

  • Cihan Yatbaz :

  • Elham Nour Ghassemi :

This project developed at AMD LAB : https://www.amdlab.nl/