RedPred: Redox Energy Prediction Tool for Redox Flow Battery Molecules
About RedPred Project:
RedPred is an redox energy prediction model for redox flow battery molecules that consists ensemble of 3 ML algorithms (Graph Conv Neural Nets, Deep Neural Nets, and Random Forest).
The model takes the SMILES notations of reactant molecules of the redox reaction as an input and predicts the redox reaction energy (Hartree).
RedPred is trained on RedDB [1] publicly available redox flow battery candidate molecules dataset.
The performance of the RedPred is 0.0036 and 0.0043 Hartree MAE on the test-1 and test-2 sets, respectively.
If you are using the predictions from RedPred on your work, please cite these papers: [1, 2]
[1] Sorkun, Elif, et al. (2021). RedDB, a computational database of electroactive molecules for aqueous redox flow batteries.
[2] In preparation (will be updated soon)
Workflow - IMAGE :
Project Files:
Data: Contains the row and processed data files
Preprocess: Contains data preprocessing including removing missing values and test/train splitting (requires different dependencies, to reproduce it please check the requirements on the folder)
Ensemble: Contains ensembling process of the selected 3 models.
Models: Contains final code file of 5 models that we used for RedPred project and ECFC encoder file.
- python=3.7.9 (requires "conda install python=3.7.9")
- rdkit=2020.09.1.0 (requires "conda install -c conda-forge rdkit=2020.09.1")
- scikit-learn=0.22.1
- deepchem==2.4.0
- numpy==1.18.5
- pandas==1.1.3
- tensorflow==2.3.2
- keras==2.4.3
- lightgbm==2.3.1
- xgboost==1.4.2
- h5py==2.10.0
Web application:
You can use the RedPred web application by following this link.
Report an Issue:
You are welcome to report a bug or contribuite to the RedPred project by filing an issue.
This project developed at AMD LAB :