
Pronko Banner Widget extension for Magento 2

Primary LanguagePHP

Pronko Banner Widget

The Banner Widget is a Magento 2 extension which allows to create a CMS Widget for the showcase purposes. It provides a separate widget called "Pronko Widget", where admin can specify the title and subtitle of the banner and insert it into a page.


Add the repository location to your composer.json file:

$ composer config repositories.pronko git https://github.com/mcspronko/banner-widget

Execute the composer require command:

$ composer require pronko/banner-widget:dev-master

Install the Pronko Banner Widget as Magento 2 module.

$ bin/magento module:enable Pronko_BannerWidget
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
$ bin/magento setup:static-content:generate


Pronko Banner Widget can be added to an any CMS Page or CMS Widget.

Pronko Banner Widget Styles

The banner widget comes with the default template and CSS classes. There are no styles in the module.

The parent container of the showcase.phtml template contains two css classes .widget and .block-pronko-banner.

The .services-page-header class is a banner main container.

The .title class holds the title of a banner widget.

The .subtitle class holds the subtitle of a banner widget

The banner widget can be added and styled according to your website design. Simply create in your custom theme an _extend.less file. The file location should be in the app/design/frontend/<Theme_Vendor>/<Theme_Name>/Pronko_BannerWidget/web/css/source directory.

The following is an example of the Pronko Banner Widget styled according to the Pronko Consulting theme. Pronko Banner Widget Example