Repository exclusively for Tetris project.
Will contain a browser-based version, which is the default version, as well as an iPhone native version and an Android native version, utilizing PhoneGap.
--- ABOUT ---
This is a free version of Tetris (created and owned by Alexey Pajitnov, The Tetris Company, and EA Games) programmed in Javascript by Michael Swedo, Deanna Sulli, and Zachary Fuller.
--- VERSION 1.0 ---
Version 1.0 is content-complete, featuring the "classic" style of tetris, without a "hold" feature and with only one block being shown in advance.
It implements all the standard features - 7 block styles, a random generator for the blocks, movement, increase speed, and rotation.
Also, a track of the number of lines completed is kept, and at every 10 lines, the game "levels up" and the speed increases.
Things that are not implemented that will (probably) come in a later version:
Native Phone support for Android using PhoneGap
Native Phone support for iPhone
Responsive canvas
Start screen