
Swipe bindings for react

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React swipe component - Swipe bindings for react



$ npm install --save react-swipeable


import Swipeable from 'react-swipeable'

class SwipeComponent extends React.Component {

  swiping(e, deltaX, deltaY, absX, absY, velocity) {
    console.log('Swiping...', e, deltaX, deltaY, absX, absY, velocity)

  swiped(e, deltaX, deltaY, isFlick, velocity) {
    console.log('Swiped...', e, deltaX, deltaY, isFlick, velocity)

  render() {
    return (
        onSwiped={this.swiped} >
          You can swipe here!

react-swipeable generates a React element(<div> by default) under the hood and binds touch events to it which in turn are used to fire the swiped and swiping props.

Props / Config Options

Event Props

onSwiping, onSwipingUp, onSwipingRight, onSwipingDown, onSwipingLeft, are called with the event as well as the absolute delta of where the swipe started and where it's currently at. These constantly fire throughout touch events.

onSwiping in addition to the swipe delta, onSwiping also returns the current absolute X and Y position, as well as the current velocity of the swipe. this.props.onSwiping(e, deltaX, deltaY, absX, absY, velocity)

onSwipedUp, onSwipedRight, onSwipedDown, onSwipedLeft are called with the event as well as the x distance, + or -, from where the swipe started to where it ended. These only fire at the end of a touch event.

onSwiped is called with the event, the X and Y delta, whether or not the event was a flick, and the current velocity of the swipe. this.props.onSwiped(e, x, y, isFlick, velocity)

onTap is called with the onTouchEnd event when the element has been tapped. this.props.onTap(e)

Configuration Props

flickThreshold is a number (float) which determines the max velocity of a swipe before it's considered a flick. The default value is 0.6.

delta is the amount of px before we start firing events. Also affects how far onSwipedUp, onSwipedRight, onSwipedDown, and onSwipedLeft need to be before they fire events. The default value is 10.

preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent is whether to prevent the browser's touchmove event. Sometimes you would like the target to scroll natively. The default value is false. Chrome 56 and later, warning with preventDefault

  • Notes e.preventDefault() is only called when preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent is true and the user is swiping in a direction that has an associated directional onSwiping or onSwiped prop.
    • Example: user is swiping right with <Swipable onSwipedRight={this.userSwipedRight} preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent={true} > then e.preventDefault() will be called, but if user was swiping left e.preventDefault() would not be called.
    • Please experiment with example to test preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent.

stopPropagation automatically calls stopPropagation on all 'swipe' events. The default value is false.

nodeName is a string which determines the html element/node that this react component binds its touch events to then returns. The default value is 'div'.

trackMouse will allow mouse 'swipes' to be tracked(click, hold, move, let go). See #51 for more details. The default value is false.

None of the props are required.

PropType Definitions

Event Props:

  onSwiped: PropTypes.func,
  onSwiping: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipingUp: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipingRight: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipingDown: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipingLeft: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipedUp: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipedRight: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipedDown: PropTypes.func,
  onSwipedLeft: PropTypes.func,
  onTap: PropTypes.func,

Config Props:

  flickThreshold: PropTypes.number, // default: 0.6
  delta: PropTypes.number, // default: 10
  preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: PropTypes.bool, // default: false
  stopPropagation: PropTypes.bool, // default: false
  nodeName: PropTypes.string // default: div
  trackMouse: PropTypes.bool, // default: false

Chrome 56 and later, warning with preventDefault

When this library tries to call e.preventDefault() in Chrome 56+ a warning is logged: Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive.

This warning is because this change to Chrome 56+ and the way the synthetic events are setup in reactjs.

If you'd like to prevent all scrolling/zooming within a <Swipeable /> component you can pass a touchAction style property equal to 'none', example. Chrome's recommendation for reference.

<Swipeable style={{touchAction: 'none'}} />

Follow reacts handling of this issue here: facebook/react#8968


Initial set up, run npm install.

Make changes/updates to the src/Swipeable.js file.

Before creating a PR please run npm test to make sure the tests and lint pass. Add tests if PR adds functionality please.

Test changes/updates with the examples

cd into examples directory, then npm install within that directory, and finally npm start.

After the server starts you can then view the examples page with your changes at http://localhost:3000.

You can now make updates/changes to src/Swipeable.js and webpack will rebuild, then reload the page so you can test your changes!
