
Track planets with a Pimoroni PanTiltHAT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pimoroni PanTiltHAT planet tracker

Track planets above the horizon with a PanTiltHat.


  1. Download the Repository with:

    • git clone https://github.com/mcttn22/planet-tracker.git
    • Or by downloading as a ZIP file

  1. Create a virtual environment (venv) with:

    • Windows:
      python -m venv {venv name}
    • Linux:
      python3 -m venv {venv name}
  2. Enter the venv with:

    • Windows:
      .\{venv name}\Scripts\activate
    • Linux:
      source ./{venv name}/bin/activate
  3. Enter the project directory with:

    cd planet-tracker/
  4. For normal use, install the dependencies and the project to the venv with:

    • Windows:
      python setup.py install
    • Linux:
      python3 setup.py install
  5. Add the following configurations to a config.json file, in the root directory of the project:

Configuration Value
latitude Latitude of PanTiltHAT
longitude Longitude of PanTiltHAT
elevation Elevation of PanTiltHAT above sea level in meters
timeZone Timezone from python library pytz
predictTracking True or False to track the planet at 10 minutes for every 5 seconds
takePictures True or False to take a picture with the attached camera every 5 seconds
imagesPath Full path to the location to store pictures taken
pictureDelayTime Time delay between taking pictures in seconds, minimum is 5 seconds


Run with:

  • Windows:
    python planet_tracker
  • Linux:
    python3 planet_tracker


Install the dependencies and the project to the venv in developing mode with:

  • Windows:
    python setup.py develop
  • Linux:
    python3 setup.py develop

Run Tests with:

  • Windows:
    python -m unittest discover .\planet_tracker\test\
  • Linux:
    python3 -m unittest discover ./planet_tracker/test/
