
Lossless compressor and decompressor for numerical data using quantiles

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Quantile Compression

Quantile Compression compresses and decompresses sequences of numerical data very well. It currently supports the following data types: i32, i64, i128, u32, u64, f32, f64, q_compress::TimestampNanos, q_compress::TimestampMicros.

For natural data, it typically shrinks data to 10-40% smaller than what gzip -9 produces, compresses much faster, and decompresses equally quickly.

As of version 0.4.0, the file format is stable.

Use Cases

q_compress is:

  • lossless
  • order-preserving and bit-preserving (including NaN floats)
  • moderately fast (see benchmarks.md).
  • effective on data with correlation between consecutive elements via configuring delta_encoding_order

Use cases include:

  • compression for columnar data
  • compression for time series data with delta encoding
  • low-bandwidth communication, like transmitting batches of sensor data from space probes


See the following basic usage. To run something right away, see the primary example.

use q_compress::{I64Compressor, I64Decompressor};

fn main() {
  // your data
  let mut my_ints = Vec::new();
  for i in 0..100000 {
    my_ints.push(i as i64);
  // Here we just use the default configuration, but we can also use
  // `::from_compressor_config()` to set configurations like
  // `compression_level` and `delta_encoding_order`.
  let compressor = I64Compressor::default();
  let bytes: Vec<u8> = compressor.simple_compress(&my_ints);
  println!("compressed down to {} bytes", bytes.len());
  // decompress
  let decompressor = I64Decompressor::default();
  let recovered = decompressor.simple_decompress(bytes).expect("failed to decompress");
  println!("got back {} ints from {} to {}", recovered.len(), recovered[0], recovered.last().unwrap());


This works by describing each number with a range and an offset. The range specifies an inclusive range [lower, upper] that the number might be in, and the offset specifies the exact position within that range. The compressor chooses a prefix for each range via Huffman codes.

For data sampled from a random distribution, this compression algorithm can reduce byte size to near the theoretical limit of the distribution's Shannon entropy. Ideally it encodes a number k in b bits if 2^-b ~= P(k). We can plot Q(k) = 2^-b to see how close quantile compression gets to the ideal in this example with compression_level=3:

The inefficiency of quantile compression in bits per number is the KL divergence from the approximated distribution Q to the true distribution P.

.qco File Format

Quantile-compressed files consist of a lightweight header (usually <1KB), then chunks containing metadata and numerical data, finished by a magic termination byte.

The header is expected to start with a magic sequence of 4 bytes for "qco!" in ascii. The next byte encodes the data type (e.g. i64). Then flags are encoded, which might affect the rest of the encoding. For instance, if delta encoding of order > 0 is on, then that many delta moments will be encoded in each of the following chunk metadata sections.

Each chunk begins with a magic "chunk" byte. Then the metadata section follows, containing the number of numbers, the byte size of the compressed body to follow, and ranges (or prefixes) used to compress. There must be at least one number in each chunk. Each range has a count of numbers in the range, a lower and upper bound, a sequence of bits (the prefix), and optionally a "jumpstart" which is used in number blocks to describe how many repetitions of the range to use. Using the compressed body size metadata and magic chunk/termination bytes enables fast seeking through the whole file.

Each chunk body consists of many small number blocks, each of which encodes a single number. Each number block begins with a prefix for the range the number is in. If that range uses repetitions, a varint for the exact number of repetitions follows, leveraging the jumpstart from earlier. Then an offset (for each repetition if necessary) follows, specifying the exact value within the range.

At the end of the file is a termination byte.

Library Changelog

See changelog.md


Other Data Types

Small data types can be efficiently compressed by casting to larger data types; e.g. u16 to u32. When necessary, you can implement your own data type via q_compress::types::NumberLike and (if the existing signed/unsigned implementations are insufficient) q_compress::types::SignedLike and q_compress::types::UnsignedLike.

Seeking and Quantile Statistics

Recall that each chunk has a metadata section containing

  • the total count of numbers in the chunk,
  • the ranges for the chunk and count of numbers in each range,
  • and the size in bytes of the compressed body.

Using the compressed body size, it is easy to seek through the whole file and collect a list of all the chunk metadatas. One can aggregate them to obtain the total count of numbers in the whole file and even an approximate histogram. This is typically about 100x faster than decompressing all the numbers.

See the fast seeking example.