A bare-bones Meteor project containing common libs, structure, and boilerplate I like to use.
1) Create a new Github repo
2) Clone it
3) Copy files from this project to the new repo
4) Commit & push
* client/ # client application code
* lib/ # common client/server code
* packages/ # s.e.
* private/ # server only static files
* public/ # client only static files
* server/ # server application code
* tests/ # unit test files (not loaded on client or server)
* stylus
* bootstrap-3
* accounts (base, password, ui)
* appcache (staging & production)
* browser-policy
* spiderable
* iron-router
*** see docs.meteor.com for more info on these packages; the spiderable package [currently] requires PhantomJS.
* Bootstrap 3
* jQuery 2
* Modernizr (custom build)
* ChartJS