
php-simple-config is a simple and extensible component that allows the developer to abstract the application configuration management.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


What is it?

php-simple-config is a simple and extensible component that allows the developer to abstract the application configuration management.

php-simple-config uses a minimalistic approach and supports different types of configuration files, the currently supported types are:

  • PHP files (containing a config array).
  • INI files
  • JSON files
  • YAML files

The component can read and write these configuration formats.

Also, it allows the developer to cache the configurations to increase the performance when accessing to it, this is made through mcustiel/php-simple-cache library.



Just add the packagist dependecy:

    "require": {
	// ...
        "mcustiel/php-simple-config": ">=1.2.0"

Or, if you want to get it directly from github, adding this to your composer.json should be enough:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/mcustiel/php-simple-config"
    "require": {
    	// ...
        "mcustiel/php-simple-config": "dev-master"

Or just download the code. :D

How to use it?

Reading configuration

First you have to create a configuration file, in this example it is a PHP file. If the format is PHP you must define a variable containing an array with the configuration and return it, for JSON or INI you don't need any special convention:

return array(
	'PRODUCTION' => array(
	    'DB' => array(
	        'user' => 'root',
	        'pass' => 'root',
	        'host' => 'localhost'
	'STAGE' => array(
	    'DB' => array(
	        'user' => 'root',
	        'pass' => 'root',
	        'host' => 'localhost'
	'LOCAL' => array(
	    'DB' => array(
	        'user' => 'root',
	        'pass' => 'root',
	        'host' => 'localhost'

or, if you prefer it:

$config['PRODUCTION']['DB']['user'] = 'root';
$config['PRODUCTION']['DB']['pass'] = 'root';
$config['PRODUCTION']['DB']['host'] = 'localhost';
// ...
return $config;

Then you can access the config from your code using a Reader object:

$reader = new Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\php\Reader();
$reader->read(__DIR__ . "/resources/test.php");
$config = $reader->getConfig();

or use the Loader class supplied by the library:

use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\ini\Reader as IniReader;

$loader = new ConfigLoader("/test.ini", new IniReader());
$config = $loader->load();

Accessing configuration

The config object allows you to access the information in the configuration file:

$config->getFullConfigAsArray(); // This will return the full configuration as an array.
$config->get('PRODUCTION'); // Will return a $config object to access the subkeys defined under "PRODUCTION"
$config->get('PRODUCTION')->get('DB')->get('user'); // Will return 'root'

Caching the config

php-simple-config allows the developer to create a cached version of the configuration to open and parse it faster. To do this you must provide the ConfigLoader with a CacheConfig object as shown in following code block:

use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\ini\Reader as IniReader;
use Mcustiel\Config\CacheConfig;

use Mcustiel\SimpleCache\Drivers\memcache\Cache;

$cacheManager = new Cache();

$loader = new ConfigLoader(
    new IniReader(),
    new CacheConfig($cacheManager, 'test.ini.cache', 3600000)

// If the file is already cached, then next sentence loads it from cache; otherwise it's loaded
// from original config file and then saved in the cached version.
$config = $loader->load();

CacheConfig receives the instance of \Mcustiel\SimpleCache\Interfaces\CacheInterface, the key to use, and the time to live in milliseconds.

Writing configuration

To write the configuration to a file you need a Writer object:

$writer = new Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Writer\ini\Writer($iniConfig);
$writer->write(__DIR__ . "/resources/test-written.ini");

NOTE When writing using ini or yaml format, the library does not guarantee that the original format and item order is kept. But the file is still parseable

Example about the note

The original ini file

b = notAnArray
c = alsoNotAnArray
a.property = value
a.property.deeper = deeperValue

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost
a.property.inside.production = test

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost

Could be transformed to:

b = notAnArray
c = alsoNotAnArray

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost
a.property.inside.production = test

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost

property = value
property.deeper = deeperValue

DB.user = root
DB.pass = root
DB.host = localhost


In the unit and functional tests you can see examples of php-simple-config use.