Time under trend:
--- How many time it's on the upper or under trend per (hour,minute,day).
Average of the stock/cryptocurrency:
--- Given a time window get the average of the stock and compare.
Trend Size:
--- How big or low it's the trend compared to the previous aka volatility.
Invest/trend correlation:
-- Given the volatility and the trend size this decides how we place a big or low the percentage of the order from a budget.
-- Based on a target/average/trend calculate stop-loss -- sell but keep track
* If the stock recovers till the limit buy again.
1. Take historical data from 1 year analyse the timer under trend and have a constant.
2. Update that constant accordingly ot the following prices.
3. Take the average trend of a window(1 day) store those in a database -- 10 averages.
4. Calculate trend size aka volatility between trends and trends.