
Project: Inequality Impedes Growth

Primary LanguageStata

title: "Inequality Impedes Growth"
format: html

This repository houses the code to estimate the unequal growth project. Below is a brief structure of the files. Eventually, we will likely want to turn this into an R package called `unequalgrowth`. The data is housed seperately.

# Adapting Glewwe 2014

This is the original Glewwe 2014 scripts and adaptations to run a simple modification adding variance and inequality measures to the determinants of growth. 

# Cleaning Data 

These the scripts to clean the data used for an expansion of the analysis
- Create Inequality Indices: [Code](./commands_inequality.R)
- Clean GDP Data: [Code]()
- Clean PISA Data (Education): [Code](./clean_pisa.R)
- Clean TIMSS Data (Education): [Code](./clean_timss.R)
- Merge GDP and Education Data: [Code](./merge_education_gdp.R)

# Determinants of Growth 

Scripts to estimate impact of determinants on growth 
- Run basic regressions: [Code](./analysis_deterimants_regressions.R)

# Forecasting

Given the factors that influence growth, project future growth with these considerations and compare them to projects without considering inequality measures.