
Simple AngularJs module to provide telephone country code data

MIT LicenseMIT

Angular Country Codes Module

Simple AngularJs module to provide telephone country code data


Install with Bower

# from the terminal at the root of your project
bower install angular-countrycodes --save

If you're not using wiredep you'll obviously also need to include the script in your html.

Add to your module deps

angular.module('xxxx', ['mcwebb.countrycodes'])

Example Use

Configure favoured countries

If you want, you can configure which countries will be returned at the top of the list. By default they'll just show A-Z. For each country you want add it's ISO Alpha-2 code to an array in the preferredCountries config method.

.config(function (CountryCodesProvider) {
	CountryCodesProvider.preferredCountries(['gb', 'us']);

Get List

.controller('SignupController', function SignupController($scope, CountryCodes) {
	$scope.countries = CountryCodes.getList();