- 0
JSONObject request not working ?
#178 opened by yashkumaratri - 1
- 5
Android : Volley 1.0.19 how to disable request cache?
#134 opened by r0boto - 2
POST JsonObject with different data types (int, boolean etc.) params and get JsonArray response
#169 opened by emreturgut - 0
- 0
- 2
How to use the HTTPS?
#159 opened by 284885166 - 1
How to use Https ?
#172 opened by Arun1811 - 1
你好 如何支持Https
#180 opened by Lx91 - 0
Hello I am facing some strange issue. Just because of one parameter i am not getting response properly. if i add it response is not getting but if i remove it, response is getting.
#182 opened by adityasd - 0
What's the difference?
#171 opened by iostyle - 0
- 8
#141 opened by ben-j69 - 1
Request at https has been redirect to http
#179 opened by black-lotus - 1
volley and prevents the output error
#168 opened by amirhoseinmaleki - 1
#177 opened by lozn00 - 3
- 7
Duplicated POST -request with slow request
#137 opened by jikun2008 - 0
class RequestQueue finish()的机制 mechnism
#176 opened by panq-jack - 1 recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)
#165 opened by basmasrour - 1
- 2
Perhaps should remove this project as deprecated
#174 opened by kiwionly - 0
#173 opened by navalkishoreb - 2
Different type data to passing on params volley
#170 opened by 4sskick - 2
#162 opened by abdymm - 0
#167 opened by chengliang0315 - 0
Packet size exceeds
#166 opened by Suresh-Reddevil - 2
- 0
can we use volley for Soap web services?
#163 opened by shaileshmulange - 0
Request Identity onErrorResponse Section
#160 opened by comeback4u - 1
#151 opened by ArcherN9 - 0
E/Volley: [18976] BasicNetwork.performRequest:
#158 opened by halibobo - 0
Raw Data Insert
#150 opened by GauravCreed - 0
- 1
#157 opened by PeterXiaoWang - 0
- 1
Posting a JSON array not as a String
#135 opened by gnumarcelo - 0
Volley don't keep-alive session connection to server
#155 opened by deverlex - 0
- 1
can't send JsonObject with JsonObjectRequest
#152 opened by picachugame001 - 2
Volley StringRequest getParams() does not call
#142 opened by hrsalehi - 2
Mention official volley library in README
#144 opened by samtstern - 2
CacheDispatcher leak
#132 opened by imliujun - 7
JSONException: Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
#143 opened by jfernandojr - 1
- 0
How volley get updated image from server
#136 opened by chethanmandya - 0
reference to JsonObjectRequest is ambiguous
#133 opened by emandtf - 2
Send GET request with params is not working
#128 opened by brook19 - 1
how to set the retry disable?
#129 opened by autoool - 0