
Python library for manipulating pronunciations using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Gruut IPA

Library for manipulating International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciations.

Features include:

  • Getting the category and details of a phone, e.g. "open front unrounded vowel" for ɶ
  • Splitting IPA pronunciations into groups of:
    • Phones (/ˈt͡ʃuːz/ to ˈt͡ʃ uː z )
    • Phonemes (/kˈaʊ/ to k ˈaʊ for U.S. English)
  • Converting pronunciations between:

Supported Languages:

  • U.S. English (en-us)
  • U.K. English (en-gb)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Czech (cs-cz)
  • Italian (it-it)
  • German (de-de)
  • French (fr-fr)
  • Spanish (es-es)
  • Russian (ru-ru)


$ pip install gruut-ipa


  • Python 3.7 or higher

For command-line usage, you may also want:

Install these with:

$ sudo apt-get install espeak jq

Phones and Phonemes

IPA phones

Phones in IPA are composed of different components:

  • Letters
    • Non-combining Unicode characters that represent a distinct human sound (phone)
  • Suprasegmentals
    • Non-combining Unicode characters that represent language features above individual vowels or consonants
    • Stress (ˈˌ), elongation (ː), linking/ties (t͡s), and short/long breaks (| ‖) are suprasegmentals
  • Diacritics

See IPA Chart for more details.


While phones represent individual sounds, phonemes are the phonetic units of a language that meaningfully distinguish words. A phoneme may be realized by many different phones. For example, the /r/ in Standard German can be realized as a uvular fricative (χ/ʁ), a uvular approximant (ɹ), or a uvular tap or trill (ʀ/r).

A phoneme may also be composed of multiple phones, such as the dipthong in U.S. English (the "ow" in "cow").

Supported languages in gruut-ipa contain a phonemes.txt file in the gruut_ipa/data directory. This file has the following format:

<phoneme> <example> [<replace> ...]

where <phoneme> is a set of IPA letters, like ɶ or . The <example> is a word whose pronunciation contains the <phoneme>. After that, there are one or more optional <replace> strings that will be replaced with <phoneme>. The German /r/ example from above might be represented as:

r brot χ ʁ ɹ ʀ

Phonemes for a given language come from phonological analyses and from public databases. Ultimately, they are geared towards capturing pronunciations from Wiktionary.


Print JSON information about phones:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa describe "ˈãː" | jq .
  "text": "ˈãː",
  "letters": "a",
  "stress": "primary",
  "height": "open",
  "placement": "front",
  "rounded": false,
  "type": "Vowel",
  "nasalated": true,
  "elongated": true

Split an IPA pronunciation into phones:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa phones "ˈjɛs|ˈt͡ʃuːz aɪpiːeɪ‖"
ˈj ɛ s | ˈt͡ʃ uː z a ɪ p iː e ɪ ‖

Group phones into phonemes for a specific language:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa phonemes en-us "/dʒʌst ə kaʊ/"
d͡ʒ ʌ s t ə k aʊ

Convert between IPA, espeak, and sampa:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa convert ipa espeak "/mʊmˈbaɪ/"

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa convert espeak ipa "[[D,Is Iz sVm f@n'EtIk t'Ekst 'InpUt]]"
ðˌɪs ɪz sʌm fɘnˈɛtɪk tˈɛkst ˈɪnpʊt

Chain commands together:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa convert espeak ipa "[[k'aU]]" | \
    python3 -m gruut_ipa phonemes en-us --keep-stress
k ˈaʊ


Use the speak-ipa script to have espeak pronounce IPA. You may need to apt-get install espeak first.

$ echo '/hɛloʊ wɝld/' | bin/speak-ipa en-us -s 60 -w 'hello world.wav'
$ aplay 'hello world.wav'


Supported IPA phones can be printed with:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa print
{"text": "i", "letters": "i", "stress": "none", "height": "close", "placement": "front", "rounded": false, "type": "Vowel", "nasalated": false, "elongated": false, "description": "close front unrounded vowel", "espeak": "i", "sampa": "i"}
{"text": "y", "letters": "y", "stress": "none", "height": "close", "placement": "front", "rounded": true, "type": "Vowel", "nasalated": false, "elongated": false, "description": "close front rounded vowel", "espeak": "y", "sampa": "y"}

A nice table can be generated with jq:

$ python3 -m gruut_ipa print | \
    jq -r '. | "\(.text)\t\(.espeak)\t\(.sampa)\t\(.description)"'

Converted to Markdown:

IPA eSpeak Sampa Description
i i i close front unrounded vowel
y y y close front rounded vowel
ɨ i" 1 close central unrounded vowel
ʉ u" } close central rounded vowel
ɯ u- M close back unrounded vowel
u u u close back rounded vowel
ɪ I I near-close near-front unrounded vowel
ʏ I. Y near-close near-front rounded vowel
ʊ U U near-close near-back rounded vowel
e e e close-mid front unrounded vowel
ø Y 2 close-mid front rounded vowel
ɘ @ @\ close-mid central unrounded vowel
ɵ @. 8 close-mid central rounded vowel
ɤ o- 7 close-mid back unrounded vowel
o o o close-mid back rounded vowel
ɛ E E open-mid front unrounded vowel
œ W 9 open-mid front rounded vowel
ɜ V" 3 open-mid central unrounded vowel
ɞ O" 3\ open-mid central rounded vowel
ʌ V V open-mid back unrounded vowel
ɔ O O open-mid back rounded vowel
æ a { near-open front unrounded vowel
ɐ V 6 near-open central unrounded vowel
a a a open front unrounded vowel
ɶ W & open front rounded vowel
ɑ A A open back unrounded vowel
ɒ A. Q open back rounded vowel
m m m voiced bilabial nasal
ɱ M F voiced labio-dental nasal
n n n voiced alveolar nasal
ɳ n. n` voiced retroflex nasal
ŋ N N voiced velar nasal
ɴ n" N\ voiced uvular nasal
p p p voiceless bilabial plosive
b b b voiced bilabial plosive
t t t voiceless alveolar plosive
d d d voiced alveolar plosive
ʈ t. t` voiceless retroflex plosive
ɖ d. d` voiced retroflex plosive
c c c voiceless palatal plosive
ɟ J J\ voiced palatal plosive
k k k voiceless velar plosive
ɡ g g voiced velar plosive
g g g voiced velar plosive
q q q voiceless uvular plosive
ɢ G G\ voiced uvular plosive
ʡ >\ voiceless pharyngeal plosive
ʔ ? ? voiceless glottal plosive
p͡f pf pf voiceless labio-dental affricate
b͡v bv bv voiced dental affricate
t̪͡s ts t_ds voiceless dental affricate
t͡s ts ts voiceless alveolar affricate
d͡z dz dz voiced alveolar affricate
t͡ʃ tS tS voiceless post-alveolar affricate
d͡ʒ dZ dZ voiced post-alveolar affricate
ʈ͡ʂ tS ts` voiceless retroflex affricate
ɖ͡ʐ dz dz` voiced retroflex affricate
t͡ɕ tS; ts\ voiceless palatal affricate
d͡ʑ dZ; dz\ voiced palatal affricate
k͡x k k_x voiceless velar affricate
ɸ F p\ voiceless bilabial fricative
β B B voiced bilabial fricative
f f f voiceless labio-dental fricative
v v v voiced labio-dental fricative
θ T T voiceless dental fricative
ð D D voiced dental fricative
s s s voiceless alveolar fricative
z z z voiced alveolar fricative
ʃ S S voiceless post-alveolar fricative
ʒ Z Z voiced post-alveolar fricative
ʂ s. s` voiceless retroflex fricative
ʐ z. z` voiced palatal fricative
ç C C voiceless palatal fricative
x x x voiceless velar fricative
ɣ Q G voiced velar fricative
χ X X voiceless uvular fricative
ʁ g" R voiced uvular fricative
ħ H X\ voiceless pharyngeal fricative
h h h voiceless glottal fricative
ɦ h<?> h\ voiced glottal fricative
w w w voiced bilabial approximant
ʋ v# v\ voiced labio-dental approximant
ɹ r r\ voiced alveolar approximant
ɻ r. r\` voiced retroflex approximant
j j j voiced palatal approximant
ɰ Q M\ voiced velar approximant
voiced labio-dental flap
ɾ * 4 voiced alveolar flap
ɽ *. r` voiced retroflex flap
ʙ b B\ voiced bilabial trill
r r r voiced alveolar trill
ʀ r" R\ voiced uvular trill
l l l voiced alveolar lateral-approximant
ɫ l 5 voiced alveolar lateral-approximant
ɭ l. l` voiced retroflex lateral-approximant
ʎ l^ L voiced palatal lateral-approximant
ʟ L L\ voiced velar lateral-approximant
ə @ @ schwa
ɚ 3 @` r-coloured schwa
ɝ 3 @` r-coloured schwa
ɹ̩ r- r\̩ voiced alveolar approximant

If you see anything wrong or missing, please let me know.