KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID: This should mostly just be functions, unless a class is really appropriate, it will be simpler most of the time to just deal with numpy arrays.
Default dtype for everything: np.float32 (equivalent to cp.float32)
The most natural way to represent projection image stack as 3D arrays:
- index 1 = Image index (in the stack)
- index 2 = Column
- index 3 = Row
Need to think about a consistent image representation!
cy_im_utils is the root
branch tier 1:
- Prep? -> All high performance
- GPU data reduction pipeline? (Radiographs -> Attenuation?)
- Field
- Imread -> Dask?
- extract norm patch
- Extract?
- patch_slice
- Visualization
- template for an interactive plot
- patch plotting
- nif_99to01contrast
- modified this to quantiles
- statistical testing
- Patch_extract
My adaptation of Vo et. al's SAREPY. Here are a few considerations for possible efficiency boosts:
- All sarepy functions make a copy (i.e. not in-place)
- should this be a conditional or just hard code in-place operations?
- Vo's code always makes a copy
- nd_interp2d is a function to replace scipy.interpolate.interp2d
- this function is a bit hacky, but doesn't seem to be terribly inefficient.
- a vectorized version of this would make me feel better
- detect_stripe_GPU has a for loop over all the sinograms that can easily be turned into a kernel
- I haven't done much testing to see if my default threads_per_block (8,8,8) is optimized
SAREPY GPU array format.
First of all, your thread block size should always be a multiple of 32, because kernels issue instructions in warps (32 threads).
- a = number of thread blocks
- b = threads in a thread block
This will execute (add) once per thread rather than spreading hte computation across the parallel threads
Together, the blocks of parallel threads make up what is known as the grid. Since I have N elements to process, and 256 threads per block, I just need to calculate the number of blocks to get at least N threads. I simply divide N by the block size (being careful to round up in case N is not a multiple of blockSize).
int N = 1<<20;
int blockSize = 256;
int numBlocks = (N+blockSize-1) / blockSize;
add<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(N,x,y);