
FluentBahaveis a simple framework to generate C# code base on Gherkin feature files.

Primary LanguageC#


FluentBehave is a simple application which can convert Gherkin scenarios to C# classes. It's written as a .NET CLI Command Tool (very similar to EntityFramework Command Tool).

Getting started

FluentBehave is easy to use. You have to add to your project.json information about FluentBehave. Simple project.json file should look like this:

  "version": "1.0.0",

  "buildOptions": {
    "preserveCompilationContext": true

  "dependencies": {
    "Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "type": "platform"
    "dotnet-test-xunit": "1.0.0-rc3-000000-02",
    "xunit": "2.1.0",
    "moq.netcore": "4.4.0-beta8",
    "FluentBehave": "1.0.0-beta4",
    "FluentBehave.Tools": {
      "version": "1.0.0-beta4",
      "type": "build"

  "tools": {
    "FluentBehave.Tools": {
      "version": "1.0.0-beta4",
      "imports": [

  "frameworks": {
    "netcoreapp1.0": {
      "imports": [

  "testRunner": "xunit",

  "tooling": {
    "defaultNamespace": "MyApplication.Specs"

After restoring all dependencies you can run FluentBehave from console.

Usage: dotnet fb [options]
 -f|--feature <FEATURE_FILE>  Feature file which be translated
 -n|--namespace <NAMESPACE>   Namespace for new C# class
 -o|--output <OUTPUT_DIR>     Directory in which to find outputs
 -c|--class <CLASS_NMAE>      Name of new C# class
 -h|--help                    This help


For below file with Gherkin scenarions:

Feature: Resseting password

    As a user
    I want to reset my password
    So that I can have access to system even if I forgot my old password

Scenario: User have to receive email when he resseting password
Given user with email "allen.nixon@soldoit.test" has access to the system
	And his password is "admin"
When he enters email "allen.nixon@soldoit.test"
	And he requests for email with further instructions
Then he receive email message
	And email contains link to set new password

Scenario: User can change his password
Given Email is sent to existing user "hunter.hansen@soltexon.test"
When he enters email "hunter.hansen@soltexon.test"
	And he enters new password "P@ssword!1"
	And he requests for changing password
Then he can sign-in to system using new credentials

Scenario: User enters not existing email when he resseting password
Given user with email "allen.nixon@soldoit.test" has access to the system
When he enters email "notexisting@unit4.com"
	And he requests for email with further instructions
Then he cannot receive email message from the system

Scenario: User cannot change password without email from the system
Given user with email "allen.nixon@soldoit.test" has access to the system
	And he doesn't have email from system with information
When he enters email "allen.nixon@soldoit.test"
	And he enters new password "P@ssword!1"
	And he requests for changing password
Then the new password is not set

Scenario: User cannot change password when he do mistake in email address
Given Email is sent to existing user "hunter.hansen@soltexon.test"
When he enters email "notexisting@unit4.com"
	And he enters new password "P@ssword!1"
	And he requests for changing password
Then the new password is not set

Scenario: Password not according to policy
Given Email is sent to existing user "hunter.hansen@soltexon.test"
When he enters email "hunter.hansen@soltexon.test"
	And he enters new password "a"
	And he requests for changing password
Then there is message that password is to short

We can execute below FluentBehave command:

$> dotnet fb -f ResettingPassword.feature -n MyApplication.Specs

Above command will generate ResettingPassword.cs file:

using FluentBehave;
using System;

namespace MyApplication.Specs
    [Feature("ResettigPassword", "Resseting password")]
    public class ResettigPassword
        [Scenario("User have to receive email when he resseting password")]
        public void UserHaveToReceiveEmailWhenHeRessetingPassword()

        [Scenario("User can change his password")]
        public void UserCanChangeHisPassword()

        [Scenario("User enters not existing email when he resseting password")]
        public void UserEntersNotExistingEmailWhenHeRessetingPassword()

        [Scenario("User cannot change password without email from the system")]
        public void UserCannotChangePasswordWithoutEmailFromTheSystem()

        [Scenario("User cannot change password when he do mistake in email address")]
        public void UserCannotChangePasswordWhenHeDoMistakeInEmailAddress()

        [Scenario("Password not according to policy")]
        public void PasswordNotAccordingToPolicy()

        [Given("User with email has access to the system")]
        private void GivenUserWithEmailHasAccessToTheSystem(string p0)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Given("His password is")]
        private void GivenHisPasswordIs(string p0)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [When("He enters email")]
        private void WhenHeEntersEmail(string p0)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [When("He requests for email with further instructions")]
        private void WhenHeRequestsForEmailWithFurtherInstructions()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("He receive email message")]
        private void ThenHeReceiveEmailMessage()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("Email contains link to set new password")]
        private void ThenEmailContainsLinkToSetNewPassword()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Given("Email is sent to existing user")]
        private void GivenEmailIsSentToExistingUser(string p0)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [When("He enters new password")]
        private void WhenHeEntersNewPassword(string p0)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [When("He requests for changing password")]
        private void WhenHeRequestsForChangingPassword()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("He can sign-in to system using new credentials")]
        private void ThenHeCanSignInToSystemUsingNewCredentials()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("He cannot receive email message from the system")]
        private void ThenHeCannotReceiveEmailMessageFromTheSystem()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Given("He doesn't have email from system with information")]
        private void GivenHeDoesntHaveEmailFromSystemWithInformation()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("The new password is not set")]
        private void ThenTheNewPasswordIsNotSet()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");

        [Then("There is message that password is to short")]
        private void ThenThereIsMessageThatPasswordIsToShort()
            throw new NotImplementedException("Implement me!");


Now we have to implement not implemented methods, and our feature will be covered by BDD test.