Notes With Lock, the ultimate personal journaling app designed to keep your thoughts safe and secure. With password protection and customizable entries, you can express yourself freely while ensuring your privacy. Capture your daily musings, track your progress, and share select entries with trusted friends.
- adil-PathanInfosys Limited
- BogdanMFometescuRomania
- chebupelka8Russia, Chelyabinsk
- fiqaarahim
- gulliverspace
- HamadabcnBarcelona
- Jahangirruet
- maryamtr55
- md-sazzadul-islamSuper Star Group (SSG)
- pkoopongithubAachen
- potapovapola
- rfeinberg3ObjectSecurity LLC
- Siyuziq' ☘️ ... Literally lazy to make a rentry :/
- Taranlena555
- yiannaben