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There are no readily-available applications that provide a simple, accessible computation of one's net worth. Out of largely pure curiosity, we wanted to build an app that calculated a user's equity, allowing for the easy compounding, customization, and general management of assets and liabilities, for accessible and immediate access to personal financial health.

What it does

Our app,, allows our users to calculate their liquid net worths in their entirety. We have provided an interface that enables our users to input their tangible and intangible assets, as well as any and all liabilities, utilizing the data to showcase our users' most current net worth in an accessible, appealing format, while also predicting a long-term asset's future rate of depreciation or appreciation. With the help of AI, the rate of depreciation or appreciation can easily be predicted and analyzed.

How we built it

We built the front-end using a static SvelteKit website that is built automatically with GitHub actions. The website itself is hosted with GitHub pages; the back-end is hosted with Google Cloud Run; and authentication, as well as our database, are powered by Firebase.

Challenges we ran into

We had significant trouble setting up CORS with our back end server, and getting our add asset overlay to work properly. We also encountered additional issues with our domain name set-up and replicating DNS records.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're looking forward to expanding on the accuracy of our assets; specifically, showcasing our users' market liquidity, and perhaps their personal accounting liquidity. In the name of improved accessibility and understanding of personal finances for anyone willing to download, we also hope to provide some resources on increasing one's liquidity, and enhancing their personal finance management capabilities as a whole.