Texas Osteoporosis Foundation Volunteer Management System

Visit us at volunteer.texasosteo.org


User Manual

How to setup project

About our tech stack

How authentication works

Formatting and styling guide

Functional Requirements

Where it is deployed


This project is being developed to help the Texas Osteoporosis Foundation (TOF) manage events and volunteers. The key function of the system is to allow TOF admins to create new events and for volunteers to sign up for these events. Volunteers can also track how many hours the have accumulated, and admins can track which volunteers are attending which events.

Our goal is to develop a simple yet robust website that can be used by anyone on any device to view and sign up for events. Admins should be able to easily create and market new events to ensure volunteers are able to efficiently assist underprivileged communities.

Created through UTDesign EPICS at UT Dallas.

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