
Dollar-Cost Averaging bot for cryptocurrency pairs on Kraken exchange.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

🐙 Kraken-DCA

Docker Pulls main-unit-testing workflow Coverage Status PyPI - Python Version Code style: black GitHub

Automate Dollar Cost Averaging on Kraken exchange

Table of Contents

  1. About the project
  2. Orders
  3. Configuration
  4. Run with Docker
  5. Run without Docker
  6. License
  7. How to contribute

🔍 About the project

Kraken-DCA is a python program to automate pairs Dollar Cost Averaging on as many pairs as you want on Kraken exchange.
At every launch, if no DCA pair order was already passed for each pair and delay in configuration file, it will create a buy limit order at current pair ask price for the specified amount.

Order history is saved in CSV format.

The program will need a Kraken public and private API key with permissions to:

  • Consult funds
  • View open orders & transactions
  • View closed orders & transactions
  • Create and modify orders

API keys can be created from the API page of your Kraken account.

📒 Orders

The pair and the amount to buy need to be specified in the configuration file.

What are the order settings ?

A buy limit taker order is created by the program at its execution, 0.26% fee are assumed.
Orders are created only if no one were created during the current day for the specified pair and are immediately executed.
Pair quote asset are used to pay Kraken fee.

How are price, volume and fee computed ?

Limit price: The pair ask price at the moment of the program execution.

Volume: The order volume is the amount*price truncated down to the pair lot decimals, then adjusted to volume/1.0026 truncated down the pair lot decimals.
By adjusting the volume, the total price of the order with fee included doesn't exceed the configuration amount.

Order price: The order price is estimated as volume*pair_ask_price rounded to the quote asset decimals.

Fee: Fee are included in the specified amount by adjusting down the order volume. 0.26% taker fee are assumed and are estimated as the order_price*0.0026 round to the quote asset decimals.

Kraken documentation:

How is order history saved ?

Order history is saved in CSV format with following information per order:

  • date: Order date.
  • pair: Order pair, the configured DCA pair.
  • type: Buy or sell order, buy in this case.
  • order_type: Order type, limit in this case.
  • o_flags: Order additional flag, fciq in this case to pay fee in pair quote asset.
  • pair_price: Limit order pair price. Pair ask price at the moment of the DCA.
  • volume: Order volume.
  • price: Order price in pair quote asset.
  • fee: Order fee in pair quote asset.
  • total_price: price + fee
  • txid: TXID of the order.
  • description: Description of the order from Kraken.

Order history is by default saved in orders.csv in Kraken-DCA base directory, the output file can be changed through docker image execution as described below.

🔨 Configuration

Configuration is done through a yaml file. If you don't use docker you must create a config.yaml file. It may be copied from config-sample.yaml and adjusted to your requirements.

# Kraken's API public and private keys.
  public_key: "KRAKEN_API_PUBLIC_KEY"
  private_key: "KRAKEN_API_PRIVATE_KEY"

# DCA pairs configuration. You can add as many pairs as you want.
# pair: Name of the pair (list of available pairs: https://api.kraken.com/0/public/AssetPairs)
# delay: Delay in days between each buy limit order.
# amount: Amount of the order in quote asset.
# limit_factor (optional): Create the limit order at a price of current price
#                          multiplied by specified factor (up to 5 digits).
# max_price (optional): Maximum price to create a limit order, after looking at
#                       limit_factor if set (up to 2 digits).
# ignore_differing_orders (optional): May be set to True to ignore any set open or
#                          closed orders within the time delay that differ more than 1%
#                          tin the desired amount. This allows to have manually set
#                          limit orders while still DCAing.
# E.g., limit_factor = 0.95 creates a limit order 5% below market price
  - pair: "XETHZEUR"
    delay: 1
    amount: 15
    limit_factor: 0.985
    max_price: 2900.10
  - pair: "XXBTZEUR"
    delay: 3
    amount: 20
    ignore_differing_orders: True
  • In api, public_key and private_key correspond to your Kraken API key information.
  • Delay is the number of days between buy orders. Set to 1 to DCA each day, 7 once per week.
  • Available pairs for pair field can be found here on altname.
  • Amount is the amount of quote asset to sell to buy base asset.
  • You can specify as many pairs as you want in the dca_pairs list.
  • Set a limit_factor if you want to place the buy order that is different from the current market price (up to 5 digits).
    E.g., limit_factor: 0.95 would set the limit price 5% below the market price.
  • Set a max_price if you want to define a maximum price in quote pair to create a limit buy order (after using limit_factor if defined).
  • Set ignore_differing_orders to True to ignore orders within the time delay that differ more than 1% in the desired amount. This allows to have manually set limit orders while still DCAing.

More information on Kraken API official documentation.

🐳 Run with Docker

You can download the image directly from Docker Hub using:

docker pull futurbroke/kraken-dca:latest

The program will be executed every hour as a cron job in a container.
You must provide an empty order history CSV file at first launch. You can create one on unix system using:

touch orders.csv

To start the container with restart as system reboot use:

docker run -v CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH:/app/config.yaml \
 -v ORDERS_FILE_PATH:/app/orders.csv \
 --name kraken-dca \
 --restart=on-failure futurbroke/kraken-dca
  • CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH: Configuration folder filepath (e.g., ~/dev/config.yaml).
  • ORDERS_FILE_PATH: Order history CSV filepath (e.g., ~/dev/orders.csv).

To see container logs:

docker logs kraken-dca

To stop and delete the container:

docker kill kraken-dca
docker rm kraken-dca

🐍 Run without Docker

You must specify your configuration in a config.yaml file in the Kraken-DCA root folder.

Launch Kraken-DCA

You can launch the program from the folder where you downloaded the repository folder using:

python kraken-dca

Or inside Kraken-DCA base directory using:

python __main__.py

Automate DCA through cron

You can automate the execution by using cron on unix systems. To execute the program every hour (it will only buy if no DCA pair order was done the current day) run in a shell:

crontab -e

And add:

0 * * * * cd PROGRAM_ROOT_FOLDER && $(which python3) kraken-dca >> OUTPUT_FILE 2>&1
  • PROGRAM_ROOT_FOLDER: Folder where you downloaded the repository (e.g., ~/dev).
  • OUTPUT_FILE: Program outputs log file (e.g., ~/cron.log).

Program outputs will be available in your output file, order history in orders.csv in Kraken-DCA base directory.

To deactivate the cron job remove the line using again:

crontab -e

More crontab execution frequency options: https://crontab.guru/

📔 License

Kraken-DCA is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. A complete version of the license is available in the LICENSE.md in this repository. Any contribution made to this project will be licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

🙋‍♀️ How to contribute

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the project. You can contribute freely by creating an issue, fork or create a pull request. Before issuing a pull request, make sure the changes did not break any existing functionality and are fully covered with unit tests by running this command in the base directory:

pytest -vv --cov