
Excel formula transpiler

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Excel formula transpiler

A little tool I glued together after getting frustrated with excel. Allows writing excel formulas with if-elseif-else blocks and operators that for some reason where not included in excel's grammar (like && or ||). As output it spits out standard excel formulas (hence 'transpiler'). As a bonus the tool translates function names to the target language and allows setting decimal point and list separator characters (which is always a gaint pain in the ass if your native language is not English).

Oh, and the editor uses the awesome ACE editor with a custom syntax highlighter to make life easier.


  • if expression then expression
  • if expression then expression else expression
  • if expression then expression elseif expression then [...]

If-blocks can be enclosed in braces like any other expressions


  • normal numbers: 1234.12
  • scientific numbers: 12e12
  • hexadecimal numbers: 0x1234
  • binary numbers: 0b10101
  • strings: "yo!" (supported escape sequences \\, \", \n, \r, \t, \xhh and \uhhhh)
  • boolean values: true and false

Decimal point has to be a dot, but output decimal point can be set to any character

Cell addresses

  • normal: c1, c$1, $c$1
  • range: c1:c2
  • external: [foo]bar!c4


  • English names trim(c1)
  • Chosen language names usuń.zbędne.odstępy(c1)

Arguments have to be separated with a comma, but the output list separator can be set to any character. English names get translated when necessary.


Standard line commnents // and block comments /* */ are supported.

Added or changed operators

  • logical or: ||
  • logical and: &&
  • equal: ==
  • not equal: !=
  • shift left: <<
  • shift right: >>
  • modulo: %
  • negation: !

Bitwise or, and, and xor where not added as the standard symbols where already taken.

Standard excel operators

  • standard arithmetic: +, -, /, *
  • exponential: ^
  • string concatenation: &
  • standard inequalities: <, <=, >=, >
  • unary minus: -


  • npm install
  • npm run build