
Email Newsletter featured in "Zero To Production In Rust"

Primary LanguageRust

Email newsletter project based on Zero to Production in Rust.

  1. User subscribes to newsletter (user status is set to "pending confirmation")
  2. User receives a confirmation email with generated token
  3. User confirms email (user status is set to "confirmed")
  4. User gets sent an email every time new issue drops

Backend Development

User authorization

  • OWASP guidelines
  • Password hashing + salt (argon2id hasher with work parameters)
  • Protection against preimage attacks, dictionary attacks, timing attacks


  • Postgres with sqlx and support for offline mode (for docker building)
    • Compile-time correctness checks of queries
    • SQL for queries
    • Async support
  • Database migrations
  • Database transactions


  • Fly.io Docker app deploy with Postgres cluster
  • Zero-downtime deployments (incremental migrations and code updates)


  • Image size optimization (minimal runtimes, multi-stage builds)
  • Image build run time optimization (caching dependencies binary with cargo-chef)


  • Unit testing (reqwest)
  • Integration testing
  • Property-based testing (quickcheck and fake)
  • Continuous Integration (GitHub actions)
  • Continuous Deployment (fly.io)


  • log logging,
  • tracing spans
  • bunyan formatting layer

Type-driven development

  • Parse, don't validate -> maintaining invariants with newtype pattern

SMTP protocol for sending emails

  • lettre

Error handling

  • Custom error generation with thiserror and anyhow
  • Enum error types for control flow


  • Multithreaded execution
  • Actix extractors with serde
  • Actix middleware
  • Actix cookies

Configuration file parsing

  • config
  • Hierarchical configuration files
  • Environment variables parsing

Protection of sensitive data

  • secrecy