
Collection of resources related to clumped isotope geochemistry and closely related fields

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A collection of resources related to clumped isotope geochemistry and closely related fields. Inspired by many other awesome collections.

Links should eventually be ordered by date of first public release, but that's clearly not the case yet.

Somewhat arbitrarily, repositories with the primary purpose of supplementing scientific publications (e.g., this) are not included.

To include new links please open an issue, create a pull request, or contact me directly.

Python libraries

  • D47crunch: a Python library for processing and standardizing carbonate clumped-isotope analyses, from low-level data out of a dual-inlet mass spectrometer to final, “absolute” Δ47 and Δ48 values with fully propagated analytical error estimates.
  • Clumpy_reordering_model_distribution: A flexible, general reordering model for clumped isotopes.
  • clumpy: Repository for all things clumped isotopes.
  • isotopylog: Clumped isotope kinetic analysis.
  • clumps: Scripts for processing and interpreting carbonate stable isotope data, particularly clumped isotope thermometry.
  • clumped-data-vetting-python: Vets clumped isotope results files from the Nu Perspective.
  • D47calib: Generate, combine, display and apply Δ47 calibrations based on Omnivariant Generalized Least Squares.

R libraries

  • clumpedr: Clumped isotope data analysis in R.
  • clumped-processing: Clumped isotope measurement processing script for Thermo Fisher MAT 253 plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer with the Kiel IV
  • isogeochem: isogeochem makes working with carbonate oxygen, carbon, and clumped isotope data reproducible and straightforward. Use it to quickly calculate isotope fractionation factors, and apply paleothermometry equations.
  • seasonalclumped: Toolbox for seasonal temperature reconstructions using clumped isotope analyses.
  • stdsim: Simulating Clumped Isotope standard statistics.
  • clumpedcalib: Calculate and Apply Clumped Isotope Calibrations Using Bootstrapping.
  • bayclumpr: An R package to conduct calibrations and reconstructions using clumped isotopes.