
Primary LanguageRust


This library is in eairly stages of development the api may change frequently as I start to make use of it. Feedback, suggestions and pull requests are welcome.

A creates simple HTTP servers designed for use in unit and integration testing. Servers a simple to create, run in a background thread and cleanly shutdown when they go out of scope.

Quick start

With cargo-edit installed simply run

cargo add --dev --git https://github.com/mdaffin/httptest.git httptest

or add the following to your Cargo.toml

git = "https://github.com/mdaffin/httptest.git"

To serve a simple string:

let ts = httptest::serve_str("hello world".to_string());

let mut response = reqwest::get(&ts.url()).unwrap();
let mut body = String::new();
response.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap();

assert_eq!(body, "hello world");

See the examples directory for more complete examples.