Source code for Continuous Time Lagrangian Reachability

Primary LanguageC++

Prototype Implementation of CLRT (Continuous Time Lagrangian Reachability)

Authors: Md Ariful Islam and Jacek Cyranka

Contact: ariful.islam@ttu.edu


Required Packages


cd <src_dir>


The command line is as follows:

mainCLRT <model_name> <Time_horizon> <ist_th> <norm_th> <delta>


  • <model_name>: Name of Model, e.g., bruss, fvdp, robot etc
  • TIME_horizon > 0 : Total computation duration
  • <ist_th> (Optional): Threshold for IST in (0,1) with default value 0.01
  • <norm_th> (Optional): Threshold for norm change (0, 0.1) with default value 0.001
  • (Optional): delta value for dReal with default value 1e-3
  • Example run: ./mainCLRT bruss 5 0.02 0.001 1e-5

The output will be stored in following two files in a directory named outputs:

  • dset_<ist_th><norm_th>.txt: contains the discrete reachset (time, center, radius, norm)
  • cset_<ist_th><norm_th>.txt: contains the continuous reachset (time-interval, center, radius, norm)